15 Reasons Why We Can’t See Aliens

Yung Lin Ma
Published in
7 min readJul 15, 2020

The simple and straightforward explanation of Fermi’s paradox.

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Fermi is a famous American physicist. He had participated in the design of the first atomic bomb of mankind [1]. About the origin of Fermi’s paradox [2], one day, Fermi and his colleagues discussed the topic of aliens, which led to thinking about alien civilizations. Fermi wants to know where are the alien civilizations, first of all, it must prove that aliens exist.

According to the Big Bang model, the universe was born 13.8 billion years ago. In the universe we can now observe, there are at least (7 x 10) ^22 stars, which is equal to 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [3]. What I must emphasize here is, this is the range of the universe we are able to observe. The famous American astronomer Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding. And he discovered that the universe is not only expanding, it is accelerating expansion. That is very strange at all.

In fact, according to the theory of the Big Bang. At the beginning of the universe, everything exploded quickly. As time went on, it became slower and slower. Why could the universe, observed by Hubble flying faster and faster? It’s the opposite of Hubble observations and the Big Bang model. The gravity model is that the inner core should pull everything powerfully. Theoretically, the universe should not expand outward. There is only one possibility, there is an unidentified force outside the universe to pull it out. There must be something outside the universe.

Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam G. Riess who are the Nobel Laureates in Physics in 2011 [4]. They observed that the universe is accelerating and expanding faster and faster, even beyond the speed of light. The galaxies are farther away from the universe continue to exceed the speed of light. After that, these galaxies will disappear from our field of vision. Now at night, we look up and see that there are fewer stars than before, not mainly because of the light damage and the haze of the city. But the stars are flying away. At the speed of 100 billion years, there will be no stars at night on the earth. The earth is like the centre of the universe, all nebulae, galaxies and stars are away from us.

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There are at least 250 billion stars in our galaxy [5]. It stands to reason that even if the probability of life is very low. It should produce a lot of life and a large number of civilizations. There are about 1 billion stars that can produce an environment similar to the Earth. The environment of the earth does not necessarily have life, and this ratio is lower than 1 in 10,000. The reasoning is that at least in our galaxy, there should be 100,000 civilizations. Then why haven’t we seen even any single one civilization?

Our universe seems infinite, and there are so many possibilities. Until now, we have not found evidence of the existence of a civilization. There are 14 possibilities:

  1. Human beings and the earth are too special. In this universe, only our planet has life. If the earth is closer to the sun, there can be no life. However, the mediocrity principle thinks this possibility is very low [6].
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2. Other planets also have life, but they are all low-intelligence or uncivilized life. The earth is the most developed civilization in the universe. So only humans explore aliens, and no aliens are able to discover the earth. Well, this idea is quite arrogant.

3. Extraterrestrial life does exist, and has visited the earth. It was just a long time ago. Later, the aliens have gone. If you have seen the movie — Interstellar [7] should know that the flow of time is different for different people. It may be that humans think that ancient aliens have been away for a long time, but aliens have just left. This possibility is still possible.

4. In fact, there are already many aliens around us, but we are not aware of it. Perhaps in the visions of alien civilizations, human beings are very low life. We are unable to understand the existence of extraterrestrial life. Just like humans look at ants. Ants do unable to understand the existence of human beings. Ants may have noticed human beings, but they certainly cannot understand.

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5. There are a lot of advanced civilizations in this universe, but according to the Dark Forest Theory [8], alien civilizations are deliberately hidden in order to protect themselves. So, we can’t see alien civilizations. If the position of their civilizations is exposed, it may cause war or resource plunder.

6. We exist in different forms. The extraterrestrial life may be the existence of light. Or we think there is nothing. The dark places are actually those places they live.

7. We communicate with alien civilizations differently. We use electromagnetic waves and light to communicate. Alien civilizations may communicate with something we do not understand. It is impossible to find each other if communication fails.

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8. Aliens exist, and some people on earth know it. It’s just that they hide it. They don’t let the public know. The person who knows the truth may be such as a national politician or a mysterious organization like Freemasonry. Why not disclose information about the existence of alien civilizations? There are two other possibilities. First, it may cause human panic. Second, organizations know the truth may have agreements that cannot be made public.

9. The earth is actually a prison [9]. Humans are descendants of cosmic prisoners. Living on the earth is serving prison sentences. Then other higher civilizations are watching us.

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10. There are treaties in the universe that prevent civilizations from interfering with each other. This is similar to the Dark Forest Theory of point 5, but this treaty is binding.

11. Insects are the aliens come from the outer space[10]. It is just another form of aliens doesn’t match our imagination. Both of us are life, but we have totally different construction of body. Insects having hard shell outside to protect their body. And we humans expose the soft body outside.

12. Earth is a laboratory for aliens. Human beings were created by aliens. Then generations continue to multiply. This statement is somewhat similar to the Bible, that is, human beings is the creation of God.

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13. We are different from the dimensions of alien civilizations. The three-dimensional space of human beings cannot understand four-dimensional, five-dimensional, or even higher dimensions. Because we can only observe things lower than our own dimensions.

14. Aliens live underground. We now observe that the surface of the planet in the universe is actually not suitable for survival. The temperature difference is particularly large, and there are various ground threats. The environment, living underground is better than the ground. Underground can be lived in. Protected by the shell of the planet. Humans living on the ground are actually rare.

15. This world does not exist at all. It is virtual. This can explain all the contradictions. When the technology develops to a certain extent, humans may be the existence of a software. Life is infinite, life is also boring. So, humans wrote a program. A virtual world with flesh and body. Then the soul is poured into the world of flesh, to experience the life of humans at that time long and long ago. In order to make this experience more real. So, you need to store the memory first. These decades of experience are all over. After quitting the game, put back the original memory. In this way, we are all already immortal. Just enter the life game.

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How do you think which possibility could be? Or cross over the above possibilities? Or you may think something new? Comment below!

