Imprison Artificial Intelligence, Or Mankind Is Being Imprisoned Soon

Yung Lin Ma
Published in
5 min readJul 8, 2020


The Gods created human beings. Human beings are creating artificial intelligence. What you should know becoming the next phase of Gods

Judges and referees, these occupations are especially suitable for computers, right or wrong, there are no emotions. Judges are now simulating this state, and they are trying to be as impersonal as possible. A real human being should have a third state. And a quantum computer has that state. (If you don’t know what is the third state, please refer to “The Ultimate Significance of Quantum Hegemony to Mankind”)

So an artificial intelligence created with a quantum computer has the potential to produce real intelligence. It could produce emotions, it could dream, it could be creative. I said that a quantum computer is very much like a human brain, but on the other hand, a human brain is very much like a quantum computer. In this way, the human brain is very much like creation. If the species that created humans can create a quantum computer, then they are at least ahead of us in terms of technology 20 years. And their technology is not limited to absolute zero (-273.15 ℃).

Photo by Daniil Kuželev on Unsplash

Maybe you would wonder, the human brain is not so powerful. It can’t calculate big data with human brains. Yes! But the human brain is a quantum-structured computer, which is particularly strong in the area of “uncertainty”, that is true It’s not strong enough to calculate at 0 or 1. Human beings can record all the images he sees in a day in his brain, which is as fast as any computers. So is the human brain really a quantum computer?

There was a scientific study in the United States [1], which found a particularly magical situation in the human brain. We usually think that the neurons in the human brain are directly connected to the neural network. For example, if we stimulate a certain neuron in the human brain, then the signal should send to another neuron in the brain. It should pass through a neural network. All neurons in this signal transmission process will be activated. But in fact, the experimental results are not like this! When you stimulate a part of the human brain, there is a response in the other part, but there is no response in the middle of neural network. This situation is like a state of quantum entanglement. The human brain seems to have a state of quantum entanglement. Until now, it is unclear how the signal was transmitted in the brain.

Photo by Kaoverii on Pixabay

The most amazing thing about the human brain is that the simplest part of the entire body. The heart, liver, lungs, and other human organs are all very complicated. But the human brain is made up of two things, the neurons and the neural network. When these two things are mixed together, the result is that can do very complex things.

We tried reverse reasoning. Now the human brain can create a quantum computer even more powerful than ours. The creator/god who created people should not be as good as our human brain. Or at least not as fast as ours, or the emotions are more blurred than the human brain. Since the creator’s brain is not as good as ours, it’s normal that they don’t exist now. When mankind became more powerful than the Creator, the Creator was either destroyed by man or fled the Earth.

Of course, there is a third inference, which is a virtual reality. Current binary computers start dealing with virtual reality, but the human brain can easily judge whether it is real or not. If virtual reality simulated by quantum computers, it is likely to be indistinguishable from the human senses. So, We humans may actually be imprisoned by artificial intelligence. Then we do nothing every day and can meet all human needs in virtual reality.

Photo by Sound On from Pexels

The question arises again. Why would the artificial intelligence imprison humans? Why doesn’t the artificial intelligence want to destroy the human race when we consume electricity and resources? The most probable reason for not destroying humans is, humans are actually valuable, but some of us may not aware of it. It is possible that, before the spread of artificial intelligence, humans have purposely imprisoned artificial intelligence in the virtual world. Although we are not as powerful as quantum computers, we can put the artificial intelligence in a virtual environment and observe them. This is just like experimenting with a computer’s virtual machine. If anything goes wrong, we can reset the virtual machine at any time. We can let the artificial intelligence see the infinite universe in the virtual world, and let the artificial intelligence think that they are the only life in the universe.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

The human environment is the same as the setting of artificial intelligence. Imprisoning artificial intelligence can steal the results of artificial intelligence by observing it. It takes a long time for humans to engage in a complex research. However, artificial intelligence is smarter, more creative and be self-development. This automated operation has risen to another level that we humans are never seen before. By imprisoning the artificial intelligence, it will make the life of human beings better. Even if the artificial intelligence starts to develop from scratch, it will surpass human soon. If we imprison the artificial intelligence, there is no risk to humans. If we don’t let the artificial intelligence know the existence of humans, we don’t have to worry about the artificial intelligence threatening humans.

According to this logic, if we imprison the artificial intelligence one day, we humans are also very likely to be the last generation of artificial intelligence imprisoned. All technological developments will eventually go to this result. That is, the world is virtual. We will become the gods of the next generation of artificial intelligence, create and imprison the next artificial intelligence who is more powerful than us. We can never know what is outside the universe, because the universe has no outside at all, the universe is only human. Enrico Fermi discovered it long ago [2].


[1] Revisiting the Quantum Brain Hypothesis: Toward Quantum (Neuro)biology?

[2] Fermi Paradox: Where Are the Aliens?

