Lost City Found — Atlantis

Yung Lin Ma
Published in
7 min readJul 17, 2021
Photo by Aldo Loya on Unsplash

Atlantis, which disappeared from the earth overnight. From the meaning of the words Atlantic and Atlantis. Atlantis is supposed to be somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantis is a legendary place. No one knows whether it exists or not. But ancient books have written about Atlantis. The first person to mention the place Atlantis, was an ancient Greek philosopher, Plato[1]. He wrote two books, one called “Critias” and one called “Timaeus”. How does Plato describe Atlantis?

Photo by Michael Tomlinson on Unsplash

Let me translate it for you. He wrote it in ancient Greek:

Plato says that in 9560 BC. On the opposite side of the Strait of Gibraltar there was a very large island. The Strait of Gibraltar is the strait that connects the European and African continents. He said that this very large island was the African continent. There is another very large island on the edge of this African continent. This island is Atlantis. There were some indigenous people on the island. Poseidon, king of the sea married a maiden on the island. The maiden had no father and no mother. After Poseidon took her as his wife. She gave birth to five pairs of twins, a total of ten sons. Poseidon divided the island into ten pieces. Let his ten sons, one for each piece of the island ruled.

These ten kingdoms together are called the Kingdom of Atlantis. The eldest son of Poseidon is called Atlas, as the supreme commander. So the kingdom is called Atlantis. Those countries, not only have high level of civilization. And there was particularly rare mineral — Orichalcum.

Photo by Daniels Joffe on Unsplash

What is Orichalcum[2]? There are many speculations in later times. Plato said it was second only to gold in value. Orichalcum can be used to make weapons. And can be used to make all kinds of high-tech things. Some say that this may be an alloy of gold and silver. The ten kingdoms have ten kings. Once every five years will gather in the capital. Meeting to study how to govern the countries. They gathered in the palace called Poseidon’s palace. Poseidon’s palace is said to be built of gold, silver and orichalcum. It was a very magnificent palace.

The ten kingdoms were ruled very well by these ten sons. Highly developed and highly civilized. After they became more and more powerful. The countries showed some signs of corruption or tyranny. They began to invade. They attacked Athens. Greece was not called Greece before. In Plato’s time it was called Athens, the Athenians. The Athenians were unyielding. The Athenians united with some of the smaller nations around them to resist the Atlantis.

While the Athenians resisted the attacks from Atlantis, suddenly a large earthquake. A huge tsunami was triggered, and the entire Atlantis sank to the bottom of the sea. Atlantis disappeared from the earth within a night. And this huge tsunami almost drowned Athens.

Photo by Roland Fényes on Unsplash

Zeus thought that the Atlantis people had lost their mind. So the Atlantis to eliminate.

Atlantis disappeared around 9,000 BCE. Plato was a man around 500 BC. How did he know about it? Plato said that the story was passed down from his mother’s great-grandfather[3].

As to whether this Atlantis existed or not? There are two schools of thought. Those who think it doesn’t exist, and those who think it did exist.

The group that thinks it exists is also divided into three branches:

1. Some think that Atlantis is still sunken under the sea.

All three of these have their basis. Someone found it on Google Maps. On the sea near Morocco. The bottom part of the sea has a quadrilateral grid. This does not feel like a natural occurrence. This is the original should have been a city. Then it sank to the bottom of the sea. They wonder if this is the Kingdom of Atlantis. And Plato mentioned that Atlantis is 5000 km from Athens. This place is just over 4,000 kilometers from Athens.

But this place and Plato said there is a contradiction. Plato says that Atlantis is a circular city in a circle. It is a square grid.

Photo by Lawrence Ma from Google Maps

2. There are those who believe that Atlantis is now in Morocco

German IT man, Michael Hübner[4], who thinks that if Atlantis was pushed by a huge earthquake and tsunami. Atlantis must have deviated from the original place. And this earthquake can flood the entire continent. Atlantis is possible moved a few thousand kilometers. He wrote a software. Then calculated that if there is such Atlantis in the sea. Where Atlantis will be pushed to by an earthquake? His software calculates that the Atlantis is probably in a plain called Souss-Massa in Morocco now. He made such a claim in 2008, no one believed him. He is not an archaeologist either. Then in 2015 on this plain, the discovery of orichalcum. That is, an alloy left over from ancient times was found. So his hypothesis was immediately taken very seriously.

Photo by Lawrence Ma from Wikipedia

3. Another group believes that Atlantis is the present Antarctic continent.

For hundreds of years people have been looking for Atlantis in the sea. Now people are starting to look for it in Morocco. It was in 1929 that a map was unearthed in Turkey, called Piri Reis map[5], which was drawn by a commander of the Ottoman Empire. The map was made of antelope skin. When the map was found, only one third of it was left. The remaining two-thirds were lost. The lines of this map are very fine, and the map as a whole is very accurate. But one notices the bottom of the map. The place on the left is South America. On the right is Africa. The following piece is different from our current map. This piece is just below South America and there is a big piece of it. It cannot just draw such a piece of the bottom. He must have drawn it according to the actual situation.

South America near Argentina. In fact, it belongs to the temperate zone. The result is that people really found fossils of temperate creatures in the Antarctic. That is to say, the Antarctic was really in the temperate zone. But people project the movement of the Earth’s north and south poles, much earlier than B.C.. Then millions of years ago, how could a map of the South American continent appear in the 15th century and the South Pole? If this map is true. The South Pole is very likely to be the legendary Atlantis.

And it is possible that the Antarctic place really lived in the past. There was a high degree of civilization. Because the natives of the Americas say: there is a white island in the south! It may be because the Antarctic continues to get cold, so this high civilization, either moved to the ground; or moved to the sky. This is linked to the Earth’s hollow hypothesis we talked about last time.

Photo by Lawrence Ma from Google Maps

People found the pyramids in the Antarctic in 2012! Explorers found such a four-pronged cone of the mountain. It is not like ordinary mountains. The whole thing is neat and tidy. It looks very much like a pyramid. Of course many parts are covered by a very thick snow. If you can get closer, find a clean-up team to clean up the surrounding area, you will really know if it is man-made. If there really are pyramids in the Antarctic, and they are highly civilized, then it makes perfect sense.

Next we have to talk about what if Atlantis does not exist? Then why did Plato tell such a story? Plato was a philosopher. There are two morals in telling this story. The first is that he wanted the state not to become corrupt. He wanted to warn the rulers of Athens at that time. For a superpower like Atlantis, corruption would bring about the end of the world. They should be diligent and love the people.

The second moral is that he wanted the people of Athens to be brave and strong. In ancient times, 9,000 years ago, the Athenians were in a weak position and dared to fight against the Atlantis. So there is no need for the Athenians to submit to other nations, they should become a strong nation.

Photo by Sergey Pesterev on Unsplash

People who support the existence of Atlantis, are constantly digging around the world to find. Whether it is the bottom of the sea, the Antarctic or not, are not the people who can go easily. Now everyone can go is Morocco. So it is estimated that people who like Atlantis, should go to Souss-Massa ,Morocco to look for the ruins of Atlantis. Maybe you find a piece of Orichalcum and get rich quickly.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plato

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orichalcum

[3] https://luccav.com/2014/11/28/platos-atlantis/

[4] https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/article/150318-atlantis-morocco-santorini-plato-adams-ngbooktalk

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piri_Reis_map

