Surprising Evidence Reveals the Existence of the Underworld

Yung Lin Ma
Published in
7 min readJul 10, 2021
Photo by Alex Rose on Unsplash

Cultures around the world have depictions of underground cities, such as hell, dungeons, etc… The Native American Hopi people are said to have lived underground in ancient time[1]. Nowadays, most people may think that the earth is a solid sphere, but in fact, the earth is solid is just a hypothesis.

The deepest hole by far is one on the Kola Peninsula in Russia near Murmansk, referred to as the “Kola well”[2]. Kola well is 12 km deep. The Earth has a radius of more than 6,000 km, and this 12 km deep hole is equivalent to about 2,000 km of the Earth’s radius. Therefore, human research on the earth’s subsurface is not very deep. Since the Earth is a solid sphere is only a hypothesis, there will be a relative emergence of the Hollow Earth hypothesis.

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The first person to propose the Hollow Earth hypothesis is the famous British astronomer -Halley[3]. Halley of Halley’s Comet. In 1692, he put forward the Hollow Earth hypothesis. He believed that the center of the Earth has a small sun like something glowing and shining. Halley believed in the existence of a subterranean man. He believed that the thickness of the Earth’s crust was about 1,300 km and that there were exits at the South and North poles.

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The Hollow Earth hypothesis can explain some extraordinary phenomena. For example, The mammoth is an animal that existed in reality on Earth. It is a super huge elephant. In our knowledge, mammoths live on the ice fields. The body is covered with long hair. When fossils of the mammoth were found in the frozen soil of Siberia, it was thought that the mammoth should have lived in a cold place. But later, it was found that the ancestors of the mammoth were elephants, and elephants lived in tropical Africa. So should the mammoth have lived in the tropics as well? The study of fossils in the frozen soil revealed that the fruits in the stomach of the mammoths were fruits of tropical plants[4].

There are several possibilities

1. Sudden Climate Change Hypothesis

Originally, the earth was very hot, including Siberia was also very hot. Suddenly one day, the weather changed, the world became cold. The mammoths were frozen to death.

2. The Polar Shift Hypothesis

Now we look at the Earth is a certain pattern of rotation. But a few hundred years ago, it was probably that Siberia was just near the equator. Mammoths also lived in the hot Siberia. One day, the magnetic pole of Siberia shifted to the north. As a result, the elephants also froze to death.

3. Underground Biological Hypothesis

Mammoth is actually a kind of animal living in the underground world. One day a few mammoths accidentally came out of the north and south poles. As a result, once they came out, they froze to death.

Photo by Christopher Alvarenga on Unsplash

The Hollow Earth hypothesis can also explain UFOs[5]. Now we mainly think that UFOs are from outer space. But The Hollow Earth hypothesis will think that UFOs are from the underground. The underground world is thousands of years more advanced than our surface world, so the flying saucer and other high-tech far ahead of the surface world.

In ancient times, aliens came to the Earth and found the surface of the Earth unsuitable for survival. Just like we are now checking whether the surface of Mars is suitable for survival. Maybe the ancient aliens found that the underground was hollow and suitable for survival. So they went to the underground of the earth.

Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

All of the above are the speculations of scientists or people’s reverie. In fact, in the existing records of human beings, there were people who have seen underground people.

Richard Evelyn Byrd was a very famous U.S. Rear Admiral[6]. The current U.S. Antarctic research station is named after him. He was the first person in human history to fly over the North and South Poles. And it is said that he is a member of the Illuminati. In 1946, the U.S. began an extensive exploration of the Antarctic, known as Operation High Descent. A total of 4,700 people were deployed. Including three aircraft carriers.

Photo from Wikipedia

Missing for three hours on February 19, 1947

Richard was on a mission where all the planes returned on time. Only Richard ‘s plane disappeared for 3 hours before returning. Where exactly did he go? He later mentioned in his diary that on February 19, he was flying his plane when he suddenly noticed a cloud of fog in front of him. He rushed into the fog and then saw a hill. After flying over the hill, he found an oasis in front of him. There was also a small river.

That’s right! Richard was flying in the Antarctic when he saw these sights. He also found it very unbelievable. As he flew, he also noticed a mammoth-like animal on the ground. After flying for almost 30 minutes, he found a city building in front of him. At this time he found that all the dashboard began to malfunction. He also found two flying saucers on either side of the plane. Then he heard the communication equipment in the aircraft said in English: “Welcome to our world, you will land in 7 minutes.”

He said he was like sitting in a transparent elevator descending. After the plane landed, a tall, fair-skinned blond man appeared. This man greeted him and another pilot on the plane and took them to a very large building. Inside, a man who looked like a butler said, “We have someone who wants to see you.” Then the butler took him to a room.

The other pilot stayed outside. Richard said that there was a long table in this room. On the other side of the table sat a very old man. This old man said to him in English: “Welcome to our world, Major General. You don’t need to be afraid. I just want to convey a message to you. The underground world and the surface world are originally not related. We never wanted to interfere with your lives. Until you dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. We started to pay attention to you again. Because you have started to use atomic power. This reminds us of what happened on Earth a long, long time ago.”

Isn’t this a hint of ancient nuclear warfare?

Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash

The old man continued, “Earlier, we sent a few flying saucers to the surface world to convey our warning to the heads of the nations. But the leaders of the nations represented did not heed our advice. I hope that the Major General will once again send this important message to the leaders. I hope that we will not use atomic power in war again.”

After the old man said this, he sent Richard back to his plane. When Richard boarded his plane. It was as if a mysterious force lifted the plane high into the air and pushed it into the clouds. Soon after, Richard returned to the Antarctic continent that he knew. When he returned to the base, he immediately reported to the military. He told the military what he had just seen and heard. But the military did not believe him.

Photo by Derek Oyen on Unsplash

A week later, on February 26, 1947, the U.S. Army was attacked by UFOs. 63 people were killed. The U.S. Army immediately withdrew from the Antarctic continent and returned to the U.S..

After Richard returned to the U.S. in March. He was immediately under military control. The military ordered him not to reveal anything related to the underground world. The military implied that leakers would be sent directly to mental hospitals. Thus Richard never told the truth. But everything was kept in his diary.

Photo by Marc Schaefer on Unsplash

When the U.S. was attacked by UFOs, the surviving pilots recalled that the UFOs were shaped like saucers. The UFOs passed through the battleship at unimaginable speeds. And there was no sound. The U.S. immediately sent two fighter planes to prepare for battle. The UFOs did not use bullets as weapons, but used laser-like attacks. They battled about 20 minutes. Dived into the sea and disappeared.

Edward Snowden has also uncovered documents about the underground world, whether or not there really is an underground world[7]. It is true that the U.S. never used the atomic power as a means of warfare again. That’s a good thing.









