The Easiest Way To Join Freemasonry And Illuminati

Yung Lin Ma
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2021

Regarding the Masonic [1] and Illuminati [2] symbols, they are often mixed up together. For example, the Six-pointed star and 666 are no longer distinguishable as Masonic, or Illuminati symbols. But in fact, 666 tends to be the symbol of the Illuminati, because the Illuminati believes in Satan (Lucifer). And the symbol of Satan is 666.

Photo by Tolga Ahmetler on Unsplash

Then it is very clear that the Masonic symbol, which is written in the middle of the G, above a pair of compasses, below a right-angle ruler. Then why is it a pair of compasses and a right-angle ruler? Because Freemasonry originated as an organization of masons. A pair of compasses and a right-angle ruler are both mason’s tools.

American Freemasonry and the Illuminati have a great relationship, both embodied in a dollar. There is a pyramid on the back of a dollar. First of all, it is strange that the dollar has a civilization of another country (Egypt). Usually the money is printed with the magnificent architecture of their own country or the leader of their own country. And this pyramid is an unfinished pyramid, with no top. The pyramid has an all-seeing eye suspended from the top. The all-seeing eye is a Masonic symbol. Around the pyramid is written a circle of words, painted with a Six-pointed star, the five corners pointing to the letters together is “mason”.

Photo by Author on his own

At the bottom of the pyramid is written a line of Roman numerals — MDCCLXXVI. which means 1776. And 1776 is the year of the founding of the United States. It is also the year the Illuminati was founded.

So what are the requirements for joining the mysterious Freemasonry?

1. adult male. Although some lodges do accept women, they are not yet recognized by the headquarters.

2. must be of a religious faith. It does not matter if you are Jewish, Christian, or Catholic. Even if the religion is opposed to each other, there is no problem

3. stable income.

4. pay a membership fee — around $80

5. in good health

6. recommended for membership by a Mason

Even after entering Masonry, there is an examination. The examination is preceded by a long period of study. Masons do not communicate directly, but use metaphors to communicate. These metaphors need to be learned. After completing the course, you must pass the test before you can be officially admitted.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The requirements for joining the Illuminati?

1. meet the requirements for Masonic membership

2. be on the list of the richest people in the world or be exceptionally talented (e.g., Nobel Prize or something like that)

Therefore, the conditions for membership are quite demanding. Basically, you can’t join the membership by your own efforts. You need a certain family background and network resources to join the Freemasonry and the Illuminati. After all, these mysterious organizations control the world without a trace.

Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash




