The Predictions Of The Two Future People Are Too Accurate & Terrible

Yung Lin Ma
Published in
5 min readAug 19, 2020

The end of superpowers will be seen before we die in this century.

Photo by Robynne Hu on Unsplash

Japan Twitter has a mysterious account exploded. The account user name is YJ, @YJ943636. On January 3, 2018 he tweeted: “I’m a man from the future from the year 2075. If you have anything you want to know about the future, just ask. To the extent that I can answer, I will.”

Photo on Twitter

A netizen asks: Does Japan still exist in 2075?

YJ said: it’s still there, but the capital isn’t Tokyo anymore, it will be Okayama. Some netizen analysed Tokyo may occur a straight-down earthquake. Tokyo was flooded by the sea. So Tokyo will not exist in the future. There’s a reason for moving the capital to Okayama. There are references in Japanese history that Okayama as a suitable place to be the capital of Japan.

A netizen asks: Which manufacturer(brand) made the time machine you are sitting on?

YJ said that even in 2075, the time machine was not a commonly known thing. The time machine was a secret lab production. He was just on a secret mission to return to the present time in a time machine. He said he’ll return when he’s done. Sometimes he has to travel to another time.

A netizen asks: What’s going to happen in 2018?

The first big thing that will happen in 2018 is probably the satellite falling to Earth. Then in April 2018, Tiangong-1 actually fell to Earth.

Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

A netizen asks: Will there be books anymore? Do you have comics in the future?

YJ said it’s all going to be e-books. Paper is going to be a very scarce resource.

YJ said that by 2018, Russia will have completed the first human atomic space engine. By 2021, China will have developed a man-made weather system. Then in 2031, humans will be able to communicate with the dead people for the first time. YJ tweeted a lot. He also answers many questions and covers many areas. If you are interested, you can check out his Twitter account.

Photo on Twitter

YJ ‘s Twitter account has a unique feature. He’s followed by over 60,000 people, but he only follows one and that’s NASA.

Photo by Jahsie Ault on Unsplash

In fact, the most famous futuristic man in Japanese history, is a man named 2062, who appeared in 2010. Why is he famous? Because he accurately predicted the 311 earthquake and the Kumamoto earthquake. And 2062 is a little different from YJ. 2062 appeared for a few days in November 2010, said a few words and then disappeared. He appeared again in July 2011 for a few days, and then disappeared. He didn’t use twitter, he posted his messages on 2ch, which is a very big forum in Japan. When he first appeared, he said that he is from the year 2062, but no one believed him.

Photo by Giancarlo Revolledo on Unsplash

2062 said he’s here to inform you of something very important. I hope you’ll be prepared for it. Some of you are starting to get interested in these warnings. Then there are many people asking what is going to happen. Many netizens will also want to see if he will reveal himself during the questioning.

A netizen asks: What you can’t eat in the future?

He said: seafood. Fish and shrimp are not going to be eaten in the future. It’s because of nuclear contamination of the oceans. That’s why all sea creatures are inedible.

Photo by Michelle Tsang on Unsplash

A netizen asks: What are the major natural disasters that will occur between 2011 and 2062?

2062 gives a set of codes.

If you don’t know Japanese language, you may not know what 2062 is trying to say. However, those who understand Japanese will be able to understand it. The reason is that the Japanese pronunciation of the word, with the addition of a few letters, means “climb up the mountain”.

2062 disappeared around November 2010 after dropping this message.

On March 11, 2011, the 311-earthquake happened. The tsunami came. The people reacted to the tsunami. Why did 2062 say to climb up the mountain? The most amazing thing was that in July 2011, 2062 said he should be coming back on 15 April 2016. But something big is going to happen on April 2016, something very serious. It’s a big deal. So he is here to tell you about it. It’s because he predicted the 311-earthquake. He left this message again in July.

People were asking him: “is it another earthquake or what? “

2062 says he can’t say if it’s an earthquake or not. But be prepared for something big to happen in April 2016. After leaving this message, he disappeared again. It was the night of April 14, 2016, when the Kumamoto Earthquake hit.

That’s why he correctly predicted two major earthquakes in Japan. The second one, the Kumamoto Earthquake, was so clear even on the date.

If you think 2062 is accurate, then he actually said a few more things.

A netizen asks: 2062, does Japan still exist?

Answer: 2062: Yes. But it almost didn’t exist.

Photo by wu yi on Unsplash

A netizen asks: In 2062, who was the leader of China?

2062 Replies: China is gone. Most of Asia has become India. He also said that there would be a world war by 2031. In the same year, humans will be able to communicate with the dead.

In Japan, there were two futuristic beings. 2075 and 2062. Do you believe in the existence of a futuristic man or time machine?

