In Conversation with Noémie L’Ecuyer

Reflector Entertainment
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2018

What is your role with Reflector Entertainment and what does that entail?

Mainly, I manage the global planning of project. I make sure we have clear deliverables, provide visibility on the overall advancement of the project, and find ways to ensure proper communications take place.

How did you get involved with the company?

I got involved with Reflector through former colleagues who are currently part of the company. I was really interested by the cross-platform approach and having the opportunity to develop a game that was part of a bigger concept. I really felt there was a great creative energy at Reflector.

Communication and transparency has a real impact in creating the right atmosphere and team spirit.

You studied International Business and International Political Economy. How did you transition from that background to gaming? Do you feel like this background has benefited you in your current line of work?

My transition into gaming was actually a case of right time, right place. I was surprised to find out how much of a fascinating industry it is. I’m not sure my background had specific application but on a macro level, I think it helped me to develop critical thinking, manage multiple priorities, and a general thirst for learning.

Could you tell us about one of the most memorable projects you’ve worked on? What were your key takeaways?

I spent a few years on AAA brand at one of Montreal’s major development studio. The whole experience was amazing, I learnt so much about game creation and teamwork. I think team cohesion and spirit is key in creating a high quality product. I have also learned that communication and transparency has a real impact in creating the right atmosphere and team spirit.

What has been one of the biggest challenges you’ve overcome? What common challenges do you think many encounter at some point in this industry?

Most managers in the game industry are former developers (designers, artists, programmers). Having no background in game development, I had to catch up quickly. Having to learn the different production pipelines and risks associated with them while also doing my job as a manager was a huge challenge. I’m still learning everyday, but it gets easier after a while.

What would be one piece of advice you wish you could have given yourself 10 years ago?

Don’t be afraid to take some risks and venture into new things.

What do you hope to accomplish in your position with Reflector Entertainment?

The potential to be part of such an exciting and promising IP is extremely motivating. I hope to have an impact on that IP by helping to deliver an amazing game that will shape the future of Reflector.

What’s one podcast, book, game or audio book you’d recommend to everyone?

There are so many good books out there, but I recently finished Sapiens, which I found fascinating. I highly recommend it to those interested in human evolution and history.

What is your opinion on the latest Star Wars movie?

I actually did not get a chance to see it. Looking forward to it. No spoilers please!

In Conversation With… is a weekly series that features a few of the people behind Reflector Entertainment. The interviews are conducted by M A R I A, a Communications Manager who enjoys creating (and hearing) a good story.



Reflector Entertainment

Reflector Entertainment is a totally new breed of studio committed to creating next-generation content for audiences around the globe.