In conversation with Rosana Roth

Reflector Entertainment
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2018

What is your role with Reflector Entertainment and what does that entail?

As Head of Development for Reflector Entertainment I oversee the expression of Reflector Entertainment’s original Storyworlds across multiple platforms; acquire IPs with cross-platform potential, find and attach creative talent for our various projects, and cultivate relationships within the industry.

How did you get involved with the company?

I first met Alexandre Amancio, our CEO, while I was a Creative Executive at Cirque du Soleil Media (CDSM). We had actually optioned one of his scripts.

After Cirque du Soleil was sold, Alex called me and asked if I’d like to join him at Reflector — there were only four other people working at the company at the time.

You’re part of other projects besides Reflector Entertainment. Can you explain what other projects you’re a part of (ie. Code Red Entertainment) and what inspired the development of that project?

I’ve done a lot of work under my own banner, Code Red Entertainment which I started when I was Producing the Made for TV movie, Code Brothers, for CTV. Most recently I was one of four Producers on an immersive web experience, Thornwood Heights Interactive, which was nominated for the 2018 Canadian Screen awards for best cross-platform project, fiction

What are three fundamental principles needed when creating content? What do you need to keep in mind and what advice can you offer to others hoping to become content creators?

Know your story — First and foremost you need to understand what makes a good story and the various forms a story can take. This means constantly seeking out content from around the world. Learning about the history of storytelling, how it developed and how it has, and continues to evolve.

Know your audience — These days it isn’t enough to know what your audience likes, it’s also essential to know how, when, and on what platform they are consuming their content.

Focus on the future — The Entertainment Industry is undergoing a massive shift. What works today may not work tomorrow. Staying power requires long-term vision — keeping up to date with what is happening in new technologies; videogames; streaming — and figuring out how these changes impact the audiences of tomorrow.

What has been one of your favourite projects to work on? Why? What did you take away from the experience?

Working on developing Reflector’s first Storyworld is one of the highlights of my career. I’ve worked on other cross-platform properties but never on this scale and with this much creative freedom. Getting the chance to learn about other media and platforms and having the opportunity to work with top level creatives from every branch of the industry is both exciting and inspiring.

What do you hope to accomplish in your position with Reflector Entertainment?

I’d love to show the industry that a collaborative, cross-platform approach can surpass the current competitive model. To remind people that content is king and prove that content cross-promotion works just as well, maybe even better, than over-inflated marketing campaigns.

What’s one podcast, book, game or audio book you’d recommend to everyone?

I read a wide variety of books. Currently I’m reading Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari — an exploration into the innovations that will shape life in the twenty-first century.

What is your opinion on the latest Star Wars movie?

To be honest I find that as epic, complex and immersive as the Star Wars universe is, the later films tend to be pretty repetitive. I’d love to see a little more evolution in the revolution.

In Conversation With… is a weekly series that features a few of the people behind Reflector Entertainment. The interviews are conducted by M A R I A, a Communications Manager who enjoys creating (and hearing) a good story.



Reflector Entertainment

Reflector Entertainment is a totally new breed of studio committed to creating next-generation content for audiences around the globe.