5 simple tips to record your family’s stories over the holidays

Nick Baum
3 min readDec 16, 2016


My dad has led an interesting life. Born in Berlin in 1930, he moved to the US in 1933. He served in the US Navy, then went to law school on the G.I. Bill. He traveled the world as an international lawyer, settled in France and married a Swede (my mom).

As you can imagine, he has a lot of great stories. Throughout the years, I’ve tried many different ways to get him to record them. Below are some tips for how to get some stories of your own this holiday season.

1. Change the topic of conversation

Family history doesn’t often come up naturally, so you’ll have to switch the topic. If possible, think of a question that relates to the conversation at hand. For example, if you’re family is talking politics (ugh!) perhaps ask about the first election they voted in, or which past presidents most inspired them.

2. Ask the right questions

There’s a lot that goes into asking good questions, but a few simple tips will make a big difference.

  • Often simple questions hide great stories. Try asking them to describe their childhood bedroom, or what their high school was like.
  • Avoid yes or no questions, or questions that can be answered with one word. Don’t ask “What was your first job?”, ask “What did you like most about your first job?”.
  • Don’t ask about their favorite trip, ask them about one of their favorite trips. They won’t get caught up in picking the absolute best one.
  • Ask them about their life advice, then follow up with questions about how they came to those conclusions.

If you have a new AppleTV, the StoryWorth app can help suggest questions. You can also find some on our website at www.storyworth.com/questions.

3. Use pictures as inspiration

Old photos are a great source of inspiration, so go ahead and pull out the photo albums. While you’re at it, take a moment to scan the photos using Google’s new PhotoScan app so you have a digital copy to bring home with you.

4. Make a timeline

A fun way to get the stories flowing is to make a timeline of a family member’s life. Start with the year they were born, then ask them to list the major events since then. I guarantee you’ll discover some things you never knew about.

5. Record the audio

If your family is okay with it, make sure to record the audio. You don’t need any fancy equipment — simply use your cellphone. iPhones come with an audio recorder built in (search for “Voice Memos”), and Android users can download a free Audio Recorder app.

It’s so easy to get these conversations going, yet all too often we forget until it’s too late. I hope this article helps you gather some great stories this holiday season.

If you want to keep the conversation going after the holidays, my company StoryWorth makes it easy to record family stories and print them in keepsake books.

Each week, we’ll send your family member a question about their life. All they have to do is reply with a story. At the end of a year, we’ll print their stories in a beautiful hardcover book.

It’s a great gift for parents, grandparents, and any other family member whose stories you’d like to preserve.

Through December 25th, get $20 off at www.storyworth.com/holidays.

