September Warehouse Demand Report

Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2016

We just got to the end of our first full month of trading and we have learned a lot. The nature of the business, connecting those who need warehouses to those that have capacity, means we are gathering some incredible data from across the industry. As you are one of our valued partners we would like to share these insights with you. So here goes…

Demand is strong, and warehouse space is increasingly sought after for a multitude of purposes. We measure in ‘Palletweeks’, a pallet week represents one pallet location, for one week — simple. We expect this trend to continue due to a contraction in supply and our increased presence.

So far we have secured the partnership of around 60 fantastic warehouse operators, a number we are looking to double next month. Being ‘signed up’ means that we have them on our books with detailed information about them so we are better able to match them to our client demands.

We can only bring the best leads to your business if we know who and where you are and what you are set up to handle. If you want to sign-up and give us the details of your business just get in touch.

We are getting noticed! In addition to some of the biggest players in the warehousing and logistics space we are also beginning to attract clients with serious scale, including businesses listed on the FTSE250.


Late Summer Fruits and gearing up for Xmas

We track and analyse thousands of commodities to understand the pressure they exert on the UK warehousing sector. Each month we look at commodities which are predicted to spike and represent a business opportunity for short-term warehousing providers [comcodes included for reference].

This month indicates 2 clear import behaviours in the UK.

  1. ) High demand for Raspberries [08102010] and Strawberries [08101000] continues as the good weather extends summer eating habits and late season citrus, clementine [08052010] and satsumas [08052030] from Europe begin to arrive in volume.

2 — Christmas focused commodities begin to arrive, seeing large spikes in Port [22042189] and other spirits traditionally associated with the festive season. Just as importantly October is the moment chocolate manufacturers seek short term-term capacity to store Cocoa [18010000] and its derivatives as they prepare for their busiest time of the year.

Source : Stowgadata Analysis

If you would like to receive specific information regarding commodities or would like us to find you clients within a specific industrial or commodity sector contact us.

As supply of warehouse capacity constrains the effort involved in sourcing and securing it increases. We continue to be the fastest and simplest way for clients to find, secure and transact on warehouse space. That said, we need even more great warehouse partners to work with on fulfilling this demand for capacity. If you or your business are interested in working together, contact us.



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