RECIPE — Air-frying Vegetables? Are You Serious?

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Kitchen


Eat whatever you want, and if anyone tries to lecture you about your weight, eat them too. — Anonymous

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Air-Frying Every Vegetable

Well, look what we have here — another unsuspecting victim wandering blindly into the world of air-frying. If you’re hell-bent on taking this culinary plunge, then let’s at least attempt to salvage some semblance of gastronomic dignity. This recipe, if executed with uncharacteristic precision and a modicum of intelligence, may yield results that are, dare I say, passable.

I can’t promise to transform you into a culinary virtuoso, but with my begrudging guidance, you might just skirt the periphery of adequacy. So, pay attention and try not to embarrass yourself too much. Here we go.


  • Assorted vegetables of your choosing (as if I could be bothered to dictate your taste)
  • Olive oil (because, evidently, we need to inject some semblance of flavor)
  • Salt and pepper (I suppose these might come in handy)
  • Seasonings of your choice (but let’s not get too carried away)


  1. Preheat the Air Fryer: This is a novel concept, I know, but preheat the air fryer to a temperature suitable for vegetables. Perhaps you’ll manage to grasp this elementary step.
  2. Prepare the Vegetables: Wash, dry, and cut the vegetables into uniform pieces. Yes, uniformity is a thing — a very important thing. I trust you can handle this straightforward task without reduced to tears.
  3. Dress the Vegetables: Toss the vegetables with a drizzle of olive oil. Don’t drown them, for heaven’s sake. We’re aiming for crispness, not a greasy mess. Season with a judicious amount of salt and pepper, because I doubt you possess the discernment to navigate complex flavor profiles.
  4. Into the Abyss: Carefully (and I emphasize carefully) place the dressed vegetables into the preheated air fryer. Don’t overcrowd the basket; we’re not orchestrating a vegetable mosh pit.
  5. Fry Away: Cook the vegetables at the recommended temperature, shaking the basket periodically to ensure an even cook. Keep a watchful eye; we wouldn’t want you to burn them to a crisp.
  6. Taste — If You Dare: After the prescribed cooking time, taste your creation. Are they cooked through, or have you transformed them into sad, limp specimens? Adjust your seasoning if necessary, but don’t expect miracles at this stage.
  7. Serve (or Don’t): Serve the vegetables promptly if you’re feeling brave. Alternatively, you could consign them to the depths of your refrigerator, never to see the light of day again. Your call.

If, by some cosmic anomaly, your air-fried vegetables are not a complete disaster, revel in your fleeting victory. But, let’s not get carried away — this is but a minuscule blip on the vast radar of culinary prowess. Now, off you go. And remember, I’m not holding my breath for any miracles. Cheers.

Wine Pairing

Ah, the commendable effort to air-fry every vegetable. A valiant undertaking, I suppose. While I’m loath to admit it, your persistence has yielded a somewhat palatable result. Now, to avoid tarnishing your modest success with an abysmal wine pairing, allow me to illuminate the path toward a harmonious culinary marriage.

For these air-fried vegetables, with their modest ambitions and commendable endeavor, I begrudgingly recommend a crisp and lively Sauvignon Blanc. Seek out a varietal from the Loire Valley, if you possess even a shred of discernment. The herbal and citrus notes of this wine will deftly counterbalance the subtle bitterness of your vegetables, all while enhancing their delicate flavors.

Avoid the pitiful mistake of reaching for a heavy, oaky Chardonnay; such a clumsy choice would undoubtedly overpower the delicate nuances of your creation. And don’t even think about a bold Cabernet Sauvignon; its robust nature and tannic grip would render your delicate air-fried vegetables utterly defeated.

Should you dare to heed my advice, you may just elevate your dining experience from mediocrity to something approaching adequacy. But remember, it’s a delicate dance, and there’s precious little room for error. Choose wisely, or suffer the consequences. Cheers — if you can manage it.

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Bon Appétit

Against all odds, it seems you’ve made it through the recipe without setting the kitchen ablaze. Bravo, I suppose. While your endeavor may not have been the unmitigated disaster I anticipated, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Your culinary conquest has merely scratched the surface of what’s possible.

If by some miracle you harbor the notion that you can actually improve, then by all means, feel free to stick around and soak up my begrudging guidance. But remember, I won’t hold my breath. The kitchen is a merciless arena, and few possess the fortitude to navigate its treacherous terrain.

So, if you dare to prove your worth, buckle up, pay close attention, and perhaps, just perhaps, you might inch closer to the lofty heights of mediocrity. Or, you know, you could just continue stumbling through your cooking escapades in blissful ignorance. The choice is yours.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Kitchen

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