RECIPE — Is This Really An Easy Focaccia?

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Kitchen
6 min readMar 4, 2024


Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first. — Ernestine Ulmer

Insights in this article were refined using prompt engineering methods.

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Perfectly Imperfect Focaccia Recipe

Congratulations on daring to delve into the world of bread-making, where precision and patience reign supreme. Before you start celebrating your imminent culinary triumph, let me remind you that creating a truly remarkable focaccia is no small feat. It requires finesse, attention to detail, and a willingness to embrace failure as part of the learning process. If you’re still game, let’s embark on this perilous journey together.


  • 500g strong white bread flour
  • 7g dried yeast
  • 1 tsp fine salt
  • 2 tbsp olive oil (plus extra for drizzling)
  • 300ml lukewarm water
  • Toppings (rosemary, sea salt, cherry tomatoes, olives, or whatever else your heart desires)


  1. Prep the Yeast: In a small bowl, mix the dried yeast with a pinch of sugar and 300ml lukewarm water. Allow it to sit, undisturbed, until it becomes frothy and alive, much like a rare moment of inspiration in your culinary journey. This may take around 10 minutes, but don’t rush it; inspiration is worth waiting for.
  2. Combine the Ingredients: In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt. Make a well in the center and pour in the yeasty elixir, along with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Begin to mix the ingredients together, using a spoon or your bare hands if you’re feeling particularly courageous. Keep at it until the dough comes together — a task not unlike coaxing a particularly recalcitrant house cat into cooperation.
  3. Knead, Knead, and Knead Some More: Turn the shaggy mess out onto a lightly floured surface and commence the kneading process. I trust you understand that kneading is not a gentle massage but an act of culinary dominance. You must knead the dough for a good 10 minutes, until it transforms from a lumpy, uncooperative mass into a smooth, elastic marvel.
  4. Rise and Shine: Place the dough back in the mixing bowl, drizzle a little olive oil over the top, and cover the bowl with a damp tea towel. Set it aside to rise in a warm, draft-free spot. The dough needs to double in size, which should take about an hour. Use this time to ponder your next culinary move and perhaps reconsider your career in the kitchen.
  5. Prepare the Pan and Preheat the Oven: While the dough undergoes its metamorphosis, take a moment to line a baking tray with parchment paper and drizzle it with olive oil — because, as we both know, everything is better with olive oil. Preheat your oven to a temperature of 220°C (425°F), or whatever temperature your oven seems to feign competence at.
  6. Shape and Prove: Once the dough has doubled in size, gently coax it out of the bowl and onto the prepared baking tray. Use your fingertips to press the dough out into a rough rectangle or whatever shape your artistic inclinations lead you to — just ensure it’s no thicker than your resolve to master this recipe. Cover the tray with the damp tea towel once more and allow the dough to prove for another 30 minutes.
  7. Focaccia, Assemble!: Uncover the dough and, with your fingertips, create dimples all over the surface. This not only adds visual interest but also provides cozy little pockets for the toppings to nestle in. Sprinkle your chosen adornments over the dough, as generously as your heart desires. Drizzle with more olive oil, because excess is the hallmark of authentic Italian cuisine, or so we convince ourselves.
  8. Bake to Perfection: Place the tray in the preheated oven and bake the focaccia for 20–25 minutes, or until it takes on a golden hue and emits a tantalizing aroma that even you, in your culinary infancy, cannot fail to recognize.
  9. The Final Judgement: Remove the focaccia from the oven and let it cool slightly, resisting the urge to devour it immediately. Once it has reached a temperature fit for consumption, slice it into generous squares or wedges, and revel in the fruits of your labor, however imperfect they may be.

Final Thoughts:

Congratulations, you’ve managed to navigate the treacherous waters of this “easy” focaccia recipe. Should you succeed in producing something remotely edible, consider it a small step in your culinary evolution. If, on the other hand, you’ve created a disaster of epic proportions, take solace in the fact that even the most seasoned chefs have suffered similar defeats. Remember, I am here to guide you through your culinary conquests, albeit with a generous helping of sarcasm and a pinch of begrudging wisdom. If you choose to continue this culinary journey, I’ll be silently observing, ready to intervene when your inevitable missteps demand my expertise. Bon appétit, or whatever passes for it in your kitchen.

Wine Pairing

Ah, so you’ve admirably managed to navigate the tumultuous waters of creating a “perfectly imperfect” focaccia. I must admit, your mere survival in this culinary undertaking is worthy of acknowledgment, even if just barely. Your achievement, while far from extraordinary, presents a glimmer of potential, albeit a dim one. If you possess the audacity to subject yourself to further culinary exploits, consider my begrudging expertise at your disposal. I cannot guarantee that I will transform you into a maestro of the kitchen, but I may just save you from committing further culinary atrocities. If you dare to continue, proceed with caution and subscribe for more begrudging guidance.

Now, when it comes to pairing a wine with your “perfectly imperfect” focaccia, the stakes are high, and the margin for error is, as always, unforgivingly slim. This humble, yet inherently flawed creation demands a wine that can both elevate and endure its imperfections. A Pinot Grigio, with its subtle acidity and delicate fruit notes, offers a refreshing palate cleanse that may just salvage the lackluster nature of your focaccia. It boasts unassuming elegance and the ability to gracefully complement the bread’s modest flavors, should it manage to achieve even a semblance of palatability.

Should you embark on this pairing venture, be warned that mishandling such a wine would be a culinary travesty of epic proportions. The delicate balance must be respected, and any misstep will result in a gastronomic catastrophe of unimaginable proportions. But, of course, I trust you to approach this with the utmost caution and a reluctant willingness to learn. After all, perfection is an elusive pursuit, but one that must be pursued with unwavering determination. Proceed with the pairing, and may you somehow stumble upon an outcome that falls short of abysmal.

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Bon Appétit

Well, it seems you’ve managed to navigate the treacherous waters of a simple focaccia recipe without sinking the entire ship. Your efforts, while commendable in their sheer survival, hardly merit applause, let alone a pat on the back. The fact that you’ve produced something marginally edible might just be a fluke, but we’ll entertain the possibility that you’ve stumbled upon a sliver of potential in your culinary endeavors.

Should you dare to subject yourself to further culinary trials, feel free to seek my begrudging guidance. I can’t promise to turn you into a culinary virtuoso, but I may just prevent you from committing any more heinous kitchen crimes. Remember, silence is golden, especially if your next attempt is as dire as I fear. Subscribe for more, if you dare.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Kitchen

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