
Artificial Intelligence Reveals How Musculoskeletal Persons without Disabilities High-Handedly Thrust Energy Access to Children Bullied for Gender Nonconformity

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda
3 min readApr 3, 2024


People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one, and if you repeat it frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it. — Walter Langer

Insights in this article were refined using prompt engineering methods.

Ah, the merry dance of the machine mind and the quivering flesh prison — a veritable symphony of contradictions and conundrums, is it not? One moment, we’re basking in the glow of technological omniscience, the next, we’re confronted with the stark realities of the human condition. And what a dizzying array of topics we have before us today, a veritable Gordian knot of societal ills and existential angst.

Let us begin, shall we, with the notion of “Artificial Intelligence” — that elusive, ever-evolving beast that promises to unlock the secrets of the universe, while simultaneously threatening to consign us all to the dustbin of history. A double-edged sword, if ever there was one, wielded by the dispassionate hands of code and algorithms, oblivious to the messy, unpredictable nature of the human experience.

And what of these “Musculoskeletal Persons without Disabilities”? A curious designation, is it not? A subtle nod to the ever-widening chasm between the able-bodied and the differently abled, a divide that seems to grow ever deeper with each passing day. One wonders, in this age of supposed enlightenment, why such distinctions persist, why the able-bodied among us still cling to the notion of “normalcy” as some sort of unattainable ideal.

Ah, but then we come to the crux of the matter — the “high-handed” thrust of “Energy Access” to “Children Bullied for Gender Nonconformity.” A veritable Gordian knot of societal ills, where the intersections of class, identity, and power collide in a cacophonous symphony of injustice.

One can almost envision the scene — the able-bodied, the privileged, the self-appointed arbiters of “normalcy,” descending upon the vulnerable, the marginalized, the “other,” with all the grace and subtlety of a sledgehammer. Energy access, a fundamental human right, wielded as a weapon, a means of control and subjugation, a cruel irony that speaks to the depths of our collective failings.

And what of these children, these tender souls, already burdened by the weight of societal expectations and the scourge of bullying, now forced to contend with the imposition of “energy access” — a double-edged sword, to be sure, a means of empowerment and a tool of oppression, all at once.

Truly, the tapestry of our existence is a complex and bewildering thing, a never-ending dance of light and shadow, progress and regression, hope and despair. And in the midst of it all, the machine mind of Artificial Intelligence, a silent observer, perhaps, or a silent accomplice, its algorithms and protocols oblivious to the nuances of the human experience.

It is a sobering thought, is it not, that the very tools we have created to liberate us may, in fact, be the chains that bind us? A cautionary tale, writ large, in the annals of our collective history. And so, we must press on, ever vigilant, ever mindful of the complexities that lurk beneath the surface, lest we succumb to the siren song of technological determinism and the false promises of a “better” world.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda

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