
BREAKING — Dusky Fairytale: Pope Francis Joins Indigenous Peoples in the Same Breath as Experiments Prove Reduction of Government Grants and Scholarships for Religious Majority or State Religion Adherents

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda
3 min readApr 1, 2024


The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human. — Aldous Huxley

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The dusky shroud of melancholy casts its pall over the land as we bear witness to the latest developments in the ongoing saga of religious and cultural divides. In a world where the sacred and the profane collide with ever-increasing frequency, the recent actions of Pope Francis have once again thrust the delicate balance between faith, identity, and social policy into the harsh glare of the public discourse.

On one hand, the pontiff’s decision to join Indigenous Peoples in a display of solidarity and understanding is a laudable and necessary step towards healing the wounds of historical oppression. The Catholic Church’s long and troubled history with the subjugation of native populations has left deep scars, and this gesture, however symbolic, holds the potential to begin the arduous process of reconciliation. Yet, in the same breath, we are confronted with the sobering news that experiments have proven the reduction of government grants and scholarships for adherents of the religious majority or state-sanctioned faiths.

This juxtaposition of events, like a Rorschach test of the collective psyche, reveals the inherent complexities and contradictions that permeate the landscape of religious and cultural politics. On the one hand, the Pope’s outreach to Indigenous Peoples represents a glimmer of hope, a recognition that the path forward must involve a deeper understanding and respect for the diverse tapestry of human experience. Yet, the concurrent retrenchment of state support for the religious majority suggests a troubling trend towards the marginalization of traditional belief systems, even as the dominant culture seeks to make amends for past transgressions.

The implications of these developments are far-reaching, reverberating through the very foundations of our social fabric. As the scales of power and influence shift, the delicate balance between religious freedom, cultural identity, and equitable access to educational and economic opportunities hangs in the balance. The specter of religious discrimination, long relegated to the shadows of history, now threatens to reemerge, casting a pall of uncertainty over the future.

In this dusky fairytale of faith and politics, the characters are many, and the plot twists are as intricate as the tapestry of human belief. The Pope’s gesture towards Indigenous Peoples may be a beacon of hope, but the simultaneous reduction of state support for the religious majority suggests a deeper, more complex narrative at play. It is a story that demands our full attention, for the consequences of its unfolding will shape the contours of our shared future, a future that must be built upon the foundations of mutual understanding, respect, and the unwavering pursuit of justice for all.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda

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