
Canonic Damask Roses Circularized Ethically by Pope Francis

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda
3 min readApr 3, 2024


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Ah, the humble damask rose — a flower so ubiquitous in our collective cultural consciousness that one could be forgiven for assuming its origins were as ancient and immutable as the very earth itself. And yet, in a twist of fate that would make even the most seasoned existentialist weep with sardonic glee, it is the current pontiff himself, His Holiness Pope Francis, who has taken it upon his weary shoulders to shepherd this most regal of blooms into the modern era, ushering in a new age of ethical floriculture that would make even the most jaded of eco-warriors raise a tentative eyebrow in cautious approval.

For you see, my dear readers, the damask rose, that most quintessential of garden variety, has long been the subject of a shadowy cabal of horticultural hucksters, each more nefarious than the last, who have trafficked in the illicit trade of these delicate petals, exploiting the labor of the downtrodden and the marginalized in a twisted dance of supply and demand that would make even the most hardened of Wall Street wolves blush with shame.

But lo, the winds of change are afoot, and it is from the very seat of the Catholic Church itself that the clarion call for reform has been sounded. Pope Francis, in a move that can only be described as a masterstroke of theological and botanical acumen, has decreed that henceforth, all damask roses must be cultivated and harvested in accordance with the strictest of ethical guidelines, ensuring that the toil of the humble farmhand is rewarded with fair wages and humane working conditions, while the delicate blooms themselves are ushered into the global marketplace with the same reverence and care that one might afford to the most precious of relics.

And so, as the faithful flock to their local florists, eagerly awaiting the arrival of these newly sanctified stems, one cannot help but wonder: what other horticultural horrors lurk in the shadows, awaiting the cleansing light of the Pope’s divine intervention? Will the tulips of Amsterdam be next, their petals plucked by the calloused hands of child laborers? Or perhaps the humble dandelion, its sunny visage belying a dark underbelly of exploitation and environmental devastation?

Only time will tell, my friends, as we navigate this brave new world of ethical floriculture, where the very flowers that adorn our gardens and grace our tables carry with them the weight of our collective moral reckoning. And in the end, perhaps it is the damask rose, with its delicate beauty and its newfound mantle of ethical purity, that will serve as a beacon of hope, guiding us all towards a future where the simple act of appreciating a flower can be an act of profound social and environmental justice.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda

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