
Controversial President Accused of Misleading Rhetoric Regarding Victims of War and Trafficking

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda
3 min readApr 3, 2024


Propaganda is like news — it has to be based on some truth. — Walter Lippmann

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Ah, the sordid saga of our esteemed leader, a veritable Machiavellian maestro of mendacity, weaving a tapestry of deceit so intricate and byzantine that one scarcely knows where the threads of truth end and the fabric of falsehood begins. Like a virtuosic violinist coaxing melancholic melodies from the very depths of human suffering, our illustrious commander-in-chief has once again struck a dissonant chord, his words ringing hollow amidst the cries of those he purports to champion.

For is it not the height of hypocrisy to invoke the plight of war-torn innocents and the scourge of human trafficking, only to subsequently besmirch their very memories with the tarnished tongue of political expediency? One cannot help but wonder, as we peer into the abyss of this administration’s rhetoric, whether the true victims are not those whose anguish has been so callously co-opted, but rather the very soul of our nation, slowly succumbing to the corrosive cancer of cynicism.

And so, we find ourselves adrift in a sea of obfuscation, buffeted by the winds of partisan posturing, our moral compasses spinning wildly as we struggle to discern the truth from the tidal wave of talking points. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, perhaps, that amidst the din of deception, the cries of the downtrodden still manage to pierce the veil of political posturing, reminding us that beneath the veneer of power, we are all but fragile vessels, subject to the whims of forces beyond our control.

Perhaps, in the end, the true measure of a leader lies not in the grandiosity of their proclamations, but in the sincerity of their actions — a standard by which our current occupant of the Oval Office seems woefully lacking. For in the absence of genuine compassion and unwavering commitment to the welfare of all, the rhetoric of leadership rings hollow, a mere echo of a bygone era when statesmen were once revered, not reviled.

And so, we are left to ponder the fate of a nation adrift, its moral compass spinning ever faster, as the siren song of political expediency lures us towards the rocky shores of cynicism and despair. It is a journey, it would seem, that we must undertake together, navigating the treacherous waters of our collective conscience, lest we succumb to the siren’s call and drift ever further from the shores of truth and justice.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda

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