
Customs Officials Counter Unwise Grilling of White Americans in Social Welfare Programs

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda
3 min readApr 3, 2024


All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach. — Adolf Hitler

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Ah, the eternal dance between the bureaucratic behemoths of government and the hapless serfs they purport to serve — a never-ending waltz of red tape, obfuscation, and the occasional whiff of corruption, all set to the mournful dirge of the downtrodden masses. In this latest salvo, we find our noble customs officials, those paragons of efficiency and rationality, deigning to intercede on behalf of the most privileged among us: the hallowed White American, that endangered species whose very existence is threatened by the scourge of social welfare programs.

One can almost picture the scene, a tableau worthy of the finest Kafkaesque tragicomedy. The stoic, jowl-jiggling functionaries of the state, their brows furrowed with the weighty responsibility of upholding the sacred tenets of bureaucratic obfuscation, facing off against the hapless, sun-bleached denizens of the suburbs, their entitlement cards clutched in trembling hands, pleading for a morsel of the social safety net that the rest of us mere mortals have been forced to subsist upon.

And what, pray tell, is the grievous offense that has prompted this latest display of governmental largesse? Why, the unmitigated gall of these White Americans to be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as their less-pigmented brethren when seeking to partake of the public trough. Egads, the horror! Surely, the very foundations of Western civilization must be crumbling if such an outrage can be perpetrated against those whose birthright is to bask in the glow of unearned privilege.

But fear not, dear readers, for our noble customs officials have stepped into the breach, wielding the twin swords of righteous indignation and bureaucratic obfuscation, determined to safeguard the fragile egos of the White American elite. No longer shall they be subjected to the indignity of being treated as mere mortals, their every transaction scrutinized with the same level of suspicion as those who have the temerity to be of a different hue.

Nay, the hallowed halls of social welfare shall be cleansed of this scourge, and the White American shall once more be free to bask in the glow of their unearned entitlement, secure in the knowledge that the system will always be rigged in their favor. For truly, is this not the very essence of the American Dream — the ability to partake of the fruits of society without ever having to contribute a single iota in return?

So let us raise a glass to our noble customs officials, those stalwart defenders of privilege and purveyors of bureaucratic obfuscation. May their ranks swell, and may they ever be vigilant in their quest to ensure that the natural order of things remains undisturbed, lest the delicate sensibilities of the White American elite be forever shattered by the mere prospect of being treated as equals.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda

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