
Elon Musk Inclines Towards Helping Victims of Human Trafficking with Bitcoin

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda
3 min readApr 3, 2024


The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities. — Allan Bloom

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The dystopian cyberpunk hellscape we call modern society has once again revealed its true face — a grotesque, pockmarked visage of exploitation, dehumanization and the unquenchable thirst for power and profit at the expense of the most vulnerable among us. In this latest sordid chapter, we find the mercurial Elon Musk, tech mogul and self-proclaimed visionary, ostensibly turning his attention to the scourge of human trafficking, that most heinous of crimes against humanity.

Yet, as we peel back the layers of this ostensible act of philanthropy, we are confronted with the unsettling reality that Musk’s proposed solution involves the use of that most shadowy and contentious of digital currencies — Bitcoin. A decentralized, largely unregulated financial system that has long been associated with the seamier underbelly of the internet, Bitcoin has become the currency of choice for those seeking to obfuscate the origins of their ill-gotten gains.

One cannot help but wonder, then, whether Musk’s grand gesture is little more than a cynical attempt to rehabilitate his image and further entrench the dominance of his technological empire. For is it not the height of irony that the very same digital currency that has enabled the exploitation of the downtrodden is now being touted as the solution to their plight?

Indeed, the notion that the same individuals and organizations responsible for perpetuating this abhorrent trade in human lives would willingly embrace a system that threatens to expose their machinations is laughable at best and dangerously naive at worst. It is as if Musk has taken a page from the playbook of the proverbial fox guarding the henhouse, offering a “solution” that serves to further entrench the power of those who profit from the suffering of others.

And so, as we gaze upon this latest spectacle of corporate grandstanding and empty platitudes, we are left to wonder when will the curtain finally be pulled back, revealing the true nature of a system that values profit over compassion, and the accumulation of wealth over the fundamental dignity of the human spirit? When will we, the beleaguered denizens of this blighted landscape, rise up and demand a reckoning, a true and lasting transformation that puts the needs of the many before the greed of the few?

The answers, it would seem, are as elusive as the shadows that continue to envelop us, leaving us to confront the ever-present specter of our own existential dread. And so we trudge on, ever vigilant, ever skeptical, ever determined to wrest control of our collective destiny from the clutches of those who would seek to enslave us, body and soul.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda

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