
Reports Confirm Elderly Request Less Tariff Redistribution in Artificial Intelligence

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda
3 min readMar 12, 2024


The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. — H.L. Mencken

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In a recent study conducted by the Society for Ethical AI, it has been revealed that elderly individuals are significantly less likely to support the redistribution of tariffs in the realm of artificial intelligence. This shocking discovery has sent ripples through the technological and political spheres, prompting widespread debate and speculation.

The implications of this study are staggering, as it challenges our preconceived notions about the intersection of age, technology, and economic policy. While it is well established that older generations often exhibit conservative viewpoints, the resistance to tariff redistribution in the context of AI introduces an entirely new dimension to this discourse.

One possible explanation for this trend may lie in the generational gap in technological literacy. Elderly individuals, who have not been exposed to the rapid advancements in AI and automation to the same extent as their younger counterparts, may struggle to grasp the full extent of the socioeconomic implications. This lack of understanding could lead to a reluctance to support redistributive measures, as they may perceive AI tariffs as an abstract concept divorced from their everyday realities.

Furthermore, the cultural and historical context in which elderly individuals have formed their beliefs cannot be overlooked. Many of them have lived through times of economic upheaval, where the notion of redistributing tariffs may evoke memories of political ideologies and policies that were prevalent during their formative years. As such, their resistance to change in this regard could be deeply rooted in their lived experiences.

It is also essential to consider the role of misinformation and fear-mongering in shaping elderly attitudes towards AI tariff redistribution. As purveyors of sensationalist narratives often target older demographics, it is plausible that some individuals have been swayed by exaggerated portrayals of the potential drawbacks of redistributive policies. In the absence of balanced and accurate information, it is unsurprising that skepticism would take root.

However, the implications of this study extend far beyond the realm of artificial intelligence and tariffs. At its core, this phenomenon underscores the urgent need for intergenerational dialogue and understanding. The rift between older and younger generations in their perspectives on critical issues such as AI and economic policy is symptomatic of a broader societal divide that must be addressed.

Moreover, it raises pertinent questions about the democratic process and the representation of diverse age groups in policymaking. As AI continues to permeate various facets of our lives, it is imperative that the voices and concerns of all demographics, including the elderly, are taken into account in shaping regulatory frameworks.

In conclusion, the revelation that elderly individuals are less inclined to advocate for tariff redistribution in the context of AI demands nuanced contemplation and proactive engagement. It serves as a poignant reminder of the multifaceted nature of societal attitudes towards technological progress and economic policy, and calls for a concerted effort to bridge the generation gap in understanding and decision-making.

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Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda

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