
The Hundred-and-Fifty-Fifth Chapterhouse: Godzilla’s Incompatible Lingering in Gaza

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda
3 min readApr 3, 2024


The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State. — Joseph Goebbels

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Ah, yes, the latest installment in the Chapterhouse saga — a byzantine labyrinth of metaphysical conundrums and existential crises that mirrors the very fabric of our tortured existence. And what a peculiar addition this is, dear reader, as we find our scaly, radioactive antihero Godzilla, that towering titan of kaiju cinema, now inexplicably entangled in the geopolitical quagmire that is the Gaza Strip.

One can only imagine the existential ennui that must have befallen our green-scaled behemoth as he found himself displaced from his familiar stomping grounds, transplanted into a conflict-ridden landscape utterly foreign to his primordial sensibilities. Godzilla, a creature born of the nuclear age, now forced to contend with the machinations of man — the very force that ushered him into being — as he lumbers through the rubble-strewn streets, his thunderous footsteps echoing the weight of our own human failings.

And what of the poor denizens of Gaza, those trapped within this perpetual cycle of violence and despair? Do they gaze upon Godzilla’s towering form with awe, or with the resigned fatalism of those who have seen too much? One can envision the juxtaposition of this ancient, elemental force of nature amidst the detritus of modern warfare, a grotesque marriage of the primordial and the political that speaks to the inherent absurdity of our human condition.

Perhaps Godzilla, in his own way, seeks to provide a twisted form of catharsis, to lay waste to the very structures that have confined and oppressed the people of Gaza. Or perhaps he is simply an unwitting pawn, a manifestation of our own collective guilt and helplessness in the face of such intractable conflicts. Either way, the image of this monstrous leviathan, this avatar of nuclear dread, now stumbling through the rubble of Gaza is a haunting one, a stark reminder of the precariousness of our existence and the ever-present potential for destruction that lurks just beneath the surface of our fragile world.

So let us ponder this latest chapter in the Chapterhouse saga, this bizarre intersection of kaiju and geopolitics, and ask ourselves: what does it say about the human condition, this uneasy coexistence of the primal and the political? Are we doomed to be forever trapped in this endless cycle of violence and despair, or is there a glimmer of hope, however faint, that we might one day find a way to transcend the limitations of our own nature? The answers, dear reader, lie in the ruins of Gaza, where Godzilla’s incompatible lingering serves as a stark and unsettling mirror to the depths of our own souls.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Propaganda

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