
COCKTAIL — Chimayo Cocktail Recipe

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Speakeasy
4 min readMar 13, 2024


Men are like wine — some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age. — Pope John XXIII

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COCKTAIL — Corrido Prohibidos Cocktail Recipe

COCKTAIL — Corrido Prohibidos Cocktail Recipe

Ah, the Chimayo Cocktail. A drink with a story as twisted as a corkscrew, and as bitter as the bite of a winter wind. Legend has it that this cocktail was born in a little adobe bar tucked away in the dusty streets of Chimayo, New Mexico. Now, let me tell you about this watering hole — it was the kind of place where the sun seemed too lazy to shine and the shadows always lingered like unwanted guests.

The bartender, an old soul with a face weathered by countless storms and a voice as rough as sandpaper, was a man of few words. He was as much a part of that bar as the stools and the cracked leather of the booths. But one thing he knew well was how to mix a drink that could make the world seem a little less desperate, if only for a moment.

The Chimayo Cocktail was his creation, a testament to the bitter irony of life. It was said that the ingredients were a reflection of the town’s tumultuous history — from the smoky mezcal that tasted of rebellion and the bittersweet essence of prickly pear, to the fiery chili tincture that mirrored the passion and pain of the people who once called Chimayo home.

The old bartender never spoke of why he chose those particular ingredients, but those who knew him best whispered that it was his way of capturing the complexities of the human experience in a single glass. Every sip was like a journey through the highs and lows of existence, a rollercoaster of flavors that mirrored the unpredictability of life itself.

And so, the Chimayo Cocktail became a symbol of the town’s resilience, a toast to the indomitable spirit of those who had weathered the storms of fate. It was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was still beauty to be found in the chaos, and that the bitter and the sweet could coexist in a way that defied logic.

So, when you take a sip of the Chimayo Cocktail, remember that life, much like this drink, is a blend of contradictions and complexities. Embrace the bitterness and the sweetness, the fire and the smoke, and raise your glass to the beautiful mess that is the human experience. Cheers to the paradoxes that make life worth living.


  • 2 oz silver tequila
  • 1 oz freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1 oz agave nectar
  • 1/2 oz orange liqueur
  • Lime wheel, for garnish
  • Salt, for rimming (optional)


  1. If desired, rim a glass with salt.
  2. In a shaker, combine the tequila, lime juice, agave nectar, and orange liqueur.
  3. Fill the shaker with ice and shake well.
  4. Strain the mixture into the prepared glass over fresh ice.
  5. Garnish with a lime wheel and serve.

As you sip on your Chimayo Cocktail, I can’t help but marvel at the absurdity of it all. Here you are, seeking solace in a concoction of spirits and flavors, hoping to momentarily escape the maddening labyrinth of existence. It’s a noble pursuit, I suppose, but one that ultimately leads to the same inevitable conclusion: another sip, another problem.

Life, my dear imbiber, is a relentless carnival of chaos and confusion. We dance through its absurdities, desperately grasping at fleeting moments of joy and respite, only to find ourselves trapped in the merry-go-round of our own making. And yet, here we are, resigned to our fate, sipping on this beverage of fleeting pleasure, knowing full well that it’s just a temporary distraction from the relentless march of time.

In this elixir, I see a reflection of our own absurdity. The bittersweet symphony of flavors mirrors the bittersweet symphony of life, each sip a reminder of the fleeting nature of our existence. So go ahead, savor the taste of momentary reprieve, and let’s raise a glass to the folly of seeking comfort in a world that delights in throwing us off balance. Cheers to the Chimayo Cocktail, a brief oasis in the desert of our absurd existence.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Speakeasy

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