COCKTAIL — Figgy Sparkler Cocktail Recipe

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Speakeasy


When life gives you lemons, find someone whose life has given them vodka, and have a party. — Ron White

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Ah, the Figgy Sparkler. A curious concoction, not unlike the twists and turns of fate itself. Legend has it that this enigmatic elixir was born from the depths of despair and the fleeting glimmers of hope.

It all began in a small, squalid tavern nestled in the shadows of a bustling metropolis. The air was thick with the heavy scent of disillusionment, and the patrons sought solace in the bottom of their glasses. It was there that a jaded bartender, weary from the weight of the world, found himself confronted with an unusual challenge.

A dispirited wanderer stumbled into the dimly lit establishment, his eyes haunted by the ghosts of bygone dreams. With a voice steeped in resignation, he muttered a cryptic request for a drink that would capture the bittersweet essence of life itself.

The bartender, ever the reluctant alchemist, surveyed the array of bottles with a resigned sigh. In a moment of fleeting inspiration, he embarked on a forlorn quest to distill the complexities of existence into a single, intoxicating libation.

With a deft hand and a heavy heart, he blended the essence of figs, a fruit steeped in ancient symbolism of both abundance and mortality. To this, he added a touch of effervescence, an ephemeral sparkle that danced tantalizingly on the tongue.

As the dispirited wanderer raised the glass to his lips, a flicker of something resembling tranquility crossed his troubled countenance. The Figgy Sparkler had, in its own enigmatic way, offered a fleeting respite from the relentless march of time and the weight of the world’s burdens.

And so, the Figgy Sparkler was born, its creation shrouded in the mists of uncertainty and paradox. A testament to the bitter sweetness of life, it stands as a reminder that even in the depths of despair, there exists a glimmer of possibility. But whether it embodies the promise of hope or the wistful embrace of disillusionment, well, that, my friend, is a question for the stars to ponder.


  • 2 oz. fig-infused vodka
  • 1/2 oz. simple syrup
  • 1/2 oz. lemon juice
  • Prosecco
  • Fresh fig for garnish


  1. In a shaker, combine the fig-infused vodka, simple syrup, and lemon juice with ice.
  2. Shake well and strain into a glass.
  3. Top with Prosecco.
  4. Garnish with a fresh fig. Enjoy!

As you sip on your Figgy Sparkler Cocktail, I must say, it’s quite the spectacle, isn’t it? The way those effervescent bubbles dance around like they have not a care in the world, it’s almost enough to make you forget the crushing weight of existence…almost.

I mean, here we are, imbibing in this fleeting moment of pleasure, hoping to drown out the cacophony of life’s absurdities with a symphony of flavors. But let’s be real, shall we? We both know that this concoction of fig-infused gin and sparkling wine is but a temporary distraction from the relentless march of time and the unending charade of human existence.

The fig, nestled in its syrupy embrace, offers a brief respite from the chaos, a sweet illusion of stability in a world teetering on the brink of madness. And the fizz, oh the fizz, it’s like a bubbly reminder that even in the midst of chaos, there’s still room for a bit of effervescence.

So, drink up, my friend, and savor this temporary reprieve, for tomorrow will bring its own brand of absurdity. And when it does, I’ll be here behind the bar, ready to concoct another fleeting escape from the unrelenting parade of life’s little cruelties. Cheers to that, I suppose.

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Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Speakeasy

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