COCKTAIL — Mary Pickford Cocktail Recipe

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Speakeasy
3 min readFeb 27, 2024


Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life. — George Bernard Shaw

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The Mary Pickford cocktail is a classic rum-based drink that pays homage to the iconic silent film actress Mary Pickford. It is believed to have been created during the Prohibition era and named after Mary Pickford due to her popularity at the time. This refreshing and fruity cocktail features rum, grenadine, pineapple juice, and maraschino liqueur, creating a delightful blend of sweet and tropical flavors.

Now, let’s delve into the art of crafting the Mary Pickford cocktail.


  • 2 oz light rum
  • 1 oz pineapple juice
  • 1/2 oz grenadine
  • 1/4 oz maraschino liqueur
  • Maraschino cherry and pineapple wedge for garnish


Step 1: Gather the ingredients and equipment.

  • Make sure you have all the ingredients and tools required to craft the Mary Pickford cocktail. This includes a cocktail shaker, jigger, strainer, and serving glass (preferably a coupe glass).

Step 2: Fill the shaker with ice.

  • Take your cocktail shaker and fill it with a generous amount of ice. This will help chill the ingredients and dilute the cocktail slightly for a smoother taste.

Step 3: Pour in the light rum.

  • Using a jigger, measure and pour 2 oz of light rum into the cocktail shaker. The rum will be the heart of this cocktail, providing a luscious base for the other flavors to dance upon.

Step 4: Add the pineapple juice.

  • Measure 1 oz of pineapple juice using the jigger and pour it into the shaker with the light rum. The pineapple juice will bring a tropical sweetness and tang to the drink, reminiscent of sunny shores and swaying palm trees.

Step 5: Incorporate the grenadine.

  • Utilizing the jigger, add 1/2 oz of grenadine to the mix in the cocktail shaker. The grenadine will infuse the cocktail with a rich, rosy hue and a touch of delightful sweetness.

Step 6: Introduce the maraschino liqueur.

  • Measure 1/4 oz of maraschino liqueur using the jigger and carefully pour it into the shaker. The maraschino liqueur adds a subtle depth and complexity to the cocktail, marrying the other flavors in a harmonious union.

Step 7: Shake vigorously.

  • Secure the top of the cocktail shaker and shake the mixture vigorously for about 10–15 seconds. This will chill the cocktail, combine the ingredients, and create a frothy texture.

Step 8: Strain into the serving glass.

  • Position the strainer over the serving glass and carefully pour the contents of the shaker into the glass, leaving behind the ice and ensuring a smooth, velvety texture for the cocktail.

Step 9: Garnish and serve.

  • Complete the cocktail by garnishing it with a maraschino cherry and a pineapple wedge. These decorative elements not only enhance the visual allure of the drink but also provide a delightful treat for the senses.

As the Mary Pickford cocktail comes together, remember that life, like a cocktail, is a blend of diverse elements. Just as the flavors unite in the glass, so too do the experiences and relationships in our lives. Cherish the amalgamation, for it is the essence of existence.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Speakeasy

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