COCKTAIL — Sea Breeze Cocktail Recipe

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Speakeasy
2 min readMar 6, 2024


A bar is a place where you can drink in the company of your friends or your sorrows. — Anonymous

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Ah, the Sea Breeze, a classic cocktail born from the depths of despair and irony. Legend has it that it was crafted by a weary sailor who had grown tired of the monotonous sea, the unrelenting sun, and the constant smell of fish. In a fit of despair and disbelief, he mixed together a concoction of vodka, cranberry juice, and grapefruit juice, hoping to drown his sorrows in a bitter and tangy elixir.

Now, onto the prelude of creating this cocktail. Picture this: a dimly lit bar, filled with the hushed murmurs of disillusioned patrons. As the weary bartender, you stand behind the counter, your cynicism subtly seeping into every pour. The faint scent of salt and sea hangs in the air, a reminder of the world’s endless disappointments. And in this setting, you embark on the enigmatic journey of crafting the Sea Breeze. But alas, my friend, the details of this intriguing concoction shall remain a mystery, leaving you to ponder the ingredients and their proportions in the depths of your own despair. Cheers to that!


  • 1 1/2 oz vodka
  • 4 oz cranberry juice
  • 1 oz grapefruit juice
  • Ice
  • Lime wedge, for garnish


  1. Fill a shaker with ice.
  2. Pour in the vodka, cranberry juice, and grapefruit juice.
  3. Secure the shaker lid and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds to chill the mixture.
  4. Strain the cocktail into a tall glass filled with ice.
  5. Garnish with a lime wedge.
  6. Serve and enjoy!

Behold, our fleeting refuge from the relentless march of existence’s absurdities. Life, much like mixing a cocktail, is a delicate balance of bitter and sweet, with a twist of sour irony. In the grand theater of human existence, we seek solace in the temporary respite of concoctions and elixirs, as if a mere sip could wash away the relentless waves of disappointment and disillusionment. So here’s to the Sea Breeze, a fitting metaphor for our futile attempts to navigate the tumultuous seas of life with a hint of bitterness, a splash of tanginess, and a fleeting illusion of escape. Cheers to finding solace in the absurdity of it all!



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Speakeasy

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