
COCKTAIL — Spiked Thai Iced Tea Cocktail Recipe

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Speakeasy
4 min readMar 13, 2024


I drink too much. The last time I gave a urine sample it had an olive in it. — Rodney Dangerfield

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Ah, the Spiked Thai Iced Tea Cocktail. A concoction born from the clash of cultures and the collision of flavors. Legend has it that this cocktail was created in a bustling marketplace where the scent of aromatic spices hung heavy in the air, mixing with the pungent aroma of freshly brewed tea.

It was a time of trade and exchange, where merchants from distant lands brought with them the treasures of their homelands. It was in this vibrant melting pot of cultures that the Spiked Thai Iced Tea Cocktail found its origins.

The story goes that a weary traveler, parched from the day’s journey, stumbled upon a humble tea stall run by a wizened old woman. She was known for her skill in blending teas with the finesse of an alchemist, and her shop was a haven for the weary and the curious.

Drawing inspiration from the stories of distant lands and the flavors of exotic spices, the old woman crafted a refreshing iced tea unlike any other. She poured in the essence of her travels, infusing the tea with the warmth of cinnamon, the allure of star anise, and the enigma of cardamom. The result was a symphony of flavors that danced on the taste buds, leaving an impression that lingered long after the last sip.

As fate would have it, a wandering spirits merchant passing through the marketplace caught wind of this tantalizing creation. Intrigued by the old woman’s mastery of flavors, he offered her a vial of a potent spirit from his own homeland, suggesting that it might elevate her already exquisite brew to celestial heights.

The old woman, ever the adventurous soul, accepted the gift and promptly set to work. She blended the spirit with her iced tea, giving birth to the Spiked Thai Iced Tea Cocktail. The result was a libation that defied convention, a seamless fusion of East and West, tradition and innovation.

In honor of the old woman’s daring spirit and the wanderlust that birthed this enigmatic elixir, the Spiked Thai Iced Tea Cocktail stands as a testament to the union of diverse influences, a tribute to the unexpected harmony that arises from the unlikeliest of pairings. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary creations emerge from the collision of contrasting elements, mirroring the rich tapestry of life itself.


  • 2 oz rum
  • 4 oz strongly brewed Thai iced tea
  • 1 oz coconut milk
  • 1/2 oz simple syrup
  • 1/2 oz fresh lime juice
  • Ice
  • Lime wedge and mint sprig for garnish


  1. In a shaker, combine rum, Thai iced tea, coconut milk, simple syrup, and lime juice.
  2. Add ice to the shaker and shake well.
  3. Strain the mixture into a glass filled with ice.
  4. Garnish with a lime wedge and a sprig of mint.
  5. Serve and enjoy!

As you sip on your Spiked Thai Iced Tea Cocktail, you might find yourself pondering the folly of seeking solace in a concoction of liqueurs and spices. The fleeting delight of the sweet and creamy flavors mingling with the sharp bite of alcohol is but a temporary distraction from the inexorable march of life’s absurdities.

Life, like this drink, is a blend of contradictions. The refreshing chill of the ice juxtaposed with the warmth of the spiced tea mirrors the paradoxical nature of existence itself. We oscillate between moments of comfort and discomfort, much like the changing interplay of flavors in your glass.

But perhaps it’s the spiked aspect of this drink that resonates most with the human condition. We add a splash of liquor to numb the edges of our consciousness, to momentarily escape the weight of our own mortality and the absurdity of our existence. It’s a futile endeavor, really, for the cocktail of existence is already spiked with its own sardonic twist.

So here’s to you, dear patron, as you take another sip of your Spiked Thai Iced Tea Cocktail. May its transitory pleasure offer a momentary respite from the maze of life’s confounding absurdities. Cheers, and good luck in navigating the whimsically depressing journey ahead.

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COCKTAIL — Hanky Panky Cocktail Recipe



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Speakeasy

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