How to Give Effective Feedback to a Remote Team of Developers

Arnau Guadall Godino
Strands Tech Corner
3 min readJun 3, 2020

A quick 4 step guide to handle Code Review while working from home

Remote work is rapidly on the increase all over the world. Due to the current circumstances surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, this trend is showing no signs of slowing down and has opened a lot of interesting opportunities. Amid stay-at-home orders all over the world, many companies are starting to see the benefits of allowing employees to work from home.

However, working remotely is not an easy task, and getting used to it can be tricky. Some people need their “going to the office” routine to stay productive, and others find too many distractions at home.

Four tips for building a positive Code Review culture

When working in a distributed team, developers have to make an extra effort in Code Review. Now more than ever, communication is key when you’re giving feedback to a colleague. This kind of exchange is easier in the office. After all, you can leave your desk, find that coworker and discuss any issue face-to-face, instead of leaving a vague comment in the pull request.

Negative (or ambiguous) feedback can have a huge impact on a colleague’s self-esteem and wellbeing. So what can we do to reinforce a positive culture and handle feedback in a constructive way?

1. Be specific

If you encounter any issue with a teammate’s work, don’t say ¡This is wrong!, close the pull request right and continue on what you were doing. Or even worst, don’t approve a request without even taking a proper look at it!

Instead, you should describe the problem politely and in as much detail as possible, which will provide the necessary context for the developer to take action.

2. Provide alternatives

Additionally, it would be extra-nice if you could provide your colleague with an example of an alternative approach. This way, the person receiving the feedback won’t feel like their code is only being critiqued. Take this opportunity to show your support for their contribution.

I would suggest another approach here. What if you avoid mutating the variable? Or you could even return the value directly.

Could you try the following approach, please?

3. Don’t take it personally

On the other hand, when we’re the one receiving the Code Review, we must remain humble and don’t take any comment as a personal attack on our skills. Also, it’s highly recommended to answer every comment you receive and let your teammate know that you took care of the issue.

And if you disagree with a colleague’s suggestion, don’t be headstrong and try to explain your reasons for holding your position. You might end up having a nice conversation, and other team members might take part in it as well.

4. Remember: Face-to-face is still there!

When managing “negative” feedback, a smile or some friendly chitchat near the coffee machine can go a long way. However, when these are not an option, video conferencing can be a handy substitute.

If an issue is hard to explain, or we’re facing a problem that is too complex, setting up a video conference is the best approach. With hundreds of tools at our disposal, it’s never been easier to work remotely, whether our teams are in the same city or in different time zones.

Visual Code is a personal favorite. This tool provides a real-time collaborative development, such as Visual Studio Live Share, for pairing with a coworker.

Do you have any additional tips or ideas on giving feedback remotely? Let me know in the comments!

