A New Unified Theory: Grasping at Strings

Tsabedze Kwanele Prince
PACE and Love
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2016


“When the small questions seem too hard to answer, its always good to go back to the big questions.”

The notion of a unified theory is a stronghold to great human pursuits and accomplishments - it has been for ages. In every idea about the way things should be in the world, there is always an underlying assumption that explains why this particular idea is in line with how things are ultimately “supposed to be”. Even the acceptance of a truly chaotic world — where matter and organisms happen as they will with no unifying force — is still an assumption about the grand scheme of things. As such, I thought it prudent to start documenting the strings of theory I’ve been grasping from my own computations of life. After all, that is all we’re given to determine the course of our lives, a wide range of theories; some theories based purely on faith, and others based on recursive experiential phenomena. What we do know as humans is that we can escape none of the knowledge that comes our way, whether we use it to prove or disprove what we believe about existence.

I have a unifying theory, it starts with your blood. I will begin from the empirical science point of view; quantum physics, cardiac biology, neuroscience, relativity and string theory to be exact.The theory is also based on “Theological Science” schools of thought. These include Vodun (popularly voodoo), Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. I will admit, my knowledge of all those things is only a remainder of what I have found to be exciting and…



Tsabedze Kwanele Prince
PACE and Love

Philosopher.Artist.Coder.Entrepreneur.Lover. — PACE&Love over all.