Why am I? How am I? What am I?

Tsabedze Kwanele Prince
PACE and Love
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2016

Everyone is a Lover, given enough time. As for me, I’m also Philosopher, an Artist, a Coder, and an Entrepreneur; PACE, if you will.

A personal vision is one of the most difficult things to be certain about. In its very nature, it is a futuristic aspiration and we all know the future can’t be pinned down 100%. My personal vision focuses on five pillars of my personality. The fifth pillar is love — which I believe is a pillar which forms and maintains everyone’s core being. For me, they all culminate in the understanding that pacing my actions in time leads to the results of my dominant state of mind — a beautiful future.

Philosopher — Living life as a philosopher means constantly trying to better understand the potential that each moment has to explain everything.

Artist — Being an artist is about using the right time, energy, and space to express my experience of life —primarily the why, how, what.

Coder — Being a coder is about manipulating the design and functions of systems around us — such as computer systems, legal systems, financial systems, biological systems, and social systems.

Entrepreneur — Being an entrepreneur is about finding peace in balance; seeing potential solutions for every problem. As an entrepreneur, I plan to scale the best of these solutions to where they’re needed, as resourcefully as possible.

It took me a lot of mine and other people’s time to get to this particular point — I can never express the true magnitude of this statement. It is my hope that we will pace our lives in such a way that they sync in harmony and we realise what beauty means in terms of being a human.

PACE and Love ❤

Tsabedze Kwanele Prince



Tsabedze Kwanele Prince
PACE and Love

Philosopher.Artist.Coder.Entrepreneur.Lover. — PACE&Love over all.