
Sam Frybyte
Strange thoughts and essays
2 min readAug 14, 2018

Notes follow one another, duckling and Mother, pigeons and bread crumbs. The first note leads, leads not just to the next there are rules to be followed or ignored with perils either. Crossing guards ignored stayed on the sidewalk never wander off safe danger of boredom of or death or frightening close call that could be either too.

The chance of success with the state of eitherness it’s like sex?, no, gender?, closer, the usual note indicates to a listener, an experienced listener| one who has listened uncasually| to music either of musical nature or at least sung singing sound that kind of listener will think hear their ear will tell them(?) what the set of notes will be to follow.

The first note leads that kind of listener to expect a set and once set in their ways they will sit back, sit and assume that like the ducklings all will, in comfort, the expected notes will follow, will lead that kind of listener ears to the goal through the set with the relations all seeming to relate to the Mother note.

But what if the set the line of ducklings does not follow in a direct clearly understood traditional line?, then the ducklings seem scattered| that kind of listener will feel could might feel disoriented lost| the ear uncertain where before the second note there was certainty| no longer now, a new world the ducklings independent of the Mother (note) or they discover that the Mother they believed was their’s was mere-ly (pun) one of them, another duckling.

One should be surprised if all the usual visions were realized yet that listener is rarely and if the rare were to advance then their ears may perkup or reject the idea the view of what is presented.

Yet even then, when the Mother is missing, that first note leads all-ears perhaps even the ear of that listener towards onward and each duckling that follows will lead elsewhere as if all the ducklings go their own way and our ears strain|will|want|to follow.

Each strand, pathway taken could (should?) lead to a place unexpected sometimes safe others not and that is the danger of that kind of listener those ears who unquestioned hear the first note and settle back, settle for only what they know will come.

The land is unfamiliar and they are not happy their ears are confused and there is a kind of internal rebellion.

Take a breath take a number take that first note not for granted but as a kernel of an idea that opens up into a new or at least the possibility of a new world.

Those ducklings will grow up (if not eaten by the osprey flying overhead) and forge their own paths to more ducklings all following a Mother, or not


