Paid to sit and wait

Sam Frybyte
Strange thoughts and essays
3 min readAug 19, 2018

She sat far away but not far enough that her scent could not reach out and touch me.

Never looked my way, not surprised we didn’t know each other. Wore flats but sporty, also in shiny gold.

Didn’t know they came that way.

So much I didn’t know ~ yet.

Hired to find her, at least I think she’s the one, fits the description; no photo given, that was strange. Not the first time but every time seemed strange.

If someone wants to find someone doesn’t the first own an image of the second?

Guess not.

The state’s image was of course blurry and unnecessarily bland.

If it was she, she wasn’t bland. Not shockingly beautiful, whatever that might mean, attractive in an asymmetrical way.

She nearly stood, the stool she sat upon very high. Ordered a mixed drink, not much ice, nothing straight.

Poised, like a dancer, slender too. The client said she was 32, but if this was who I’m looking for she looks early 20’s. Slender does that, good skin and poised does that.

I take a couple of picts and leave the place.

I go about half a block someone’s following me I turn and there she is, hand out, half a smile.

“I’ll take your phone please”

Her other hand held a taser.

If you’ve been tased once you know 3 things;

1] never again

2] from up close there’s no where to run, impossible to miss, it’s not like a gun

3] if you’re holding a phone it’ll be destroyed.

I gave my phone ~ unlocked, she found the photos deleted then tased me.

When I came to, my phone crushed lay beside me and I was alone.


Client unhappy but happy. The story checked with what they knew of her, so they said. Said ‘keep working, looking’, ‘find her’, where she lived, worked ~ if she worked.

Figured she’d moved on no longer the haunts I’d found — the address was empty, lots of open ends …

Why do they say dead ends the ends I went to didn’t seem to lead to her but they weren’t dead. Every end leads somewhere just not always where you think you wanted to go.

Like, being tasered — nowhere I wanted to go, scars from first time ~ sure to have them from this …


So I watch for signs. Since I wasn’t sure of why I was looking, looking was all I could do — right?

Not exactly.

The client was paying good money or at least the checks didn’t bounce and we set up an automatic payment through an anonymous online service (their idea).

I’m being paid expenses — low but covered. I’m not cheap but I don’t spend money if there’s no point and there wasn’t much of one yet ~ small change — Dr bills for the taser wounds, small change.

The client wasn’t a gangster, not exactly on the up and up, nothing too obviously dirty.

Nothing political, no media ~ basically she was just as off the radar as the other.


That’s how this kind of job goes. Some would say “sent on a wild good chase” but never seen a goose and I don’t chase, at least not on foot. I’d rather sit and wait.

If you sit in one place long enough the world comes to you.


There she was across the street, went into a shop. I walked over stood near, the alley nearby.

She walked out of the alley, I snagged her arm handled the straps to her bag. We walked back of to the park bench.

So far, no struggle, no threats. I asked for 3 answers …
She nodded
Do you know my client? She nods yes,
Do you know why she wants you found?, She nods yes
Would it be dangerous to me if you told me why?

She turned towards me and stabbed me in my left kidney, gently walked away phone to her ear.

I think she called emergency, I think she called my client. Not sure, of course, — lost the kidney, nearly lost my life.

Client paid my bills, closed us out.


That’s the whole story. This is the bench.
Maybe you have something you need found?
I might be your man.

