The Deal

Sam Frybyte
Strange thoughts and essays
2 min readJan 27, 2018

Here’s the deal. We go in, look suspicious and leave in a hurry.
What do we take?
Nothing, that’s the point.
But why rob a place if we don’t take nothing?
Not our job.
But we’re burglars, we case a joint, then after planning we rob them blind.
Yeah in the movies. Then we screw up and get caught — so this way we get caught but…
We haven’t done nothing
I don’t get it.
You don’t have to. The less you ‘get’ the better. What you don’t know you can’t tell the cops.
But I’m in it for…
Yeah, I know, the dough. Don’t worry….What were you promised?
A grand or two if I followed your orders
Okay here’s 2, follow my orders, go in act like a crook, don’t take anything, and scram.
It’s hard
I know it ‘goes against your ethics’ but that’s the plan, we’re I and out with nothing.
I’ll try
You better succeed …There’s the signal, let’s go!
Good, get the hell outta here, and you don’t know me from Adam.
Who’s Adam?

{sirens} [Police surround the two]

Hands up, what’s your name…oh yeah, you have all these rights — — if you can read ’em, if you can’t you’re out of luck
I can read, I didn’t do anything…why ‘r you pickin’ on me?
Shut up Jones, we know you were in on it.
The heist?
What heist?
Yeah, yeah, you don’t know nothing about it.
Well yeah, about what?
Who’s the other guy over there?
Don’t know, he was standing there shoutin’ about Adam and I’m not Adam, don’t know no Adams, I don’t think.
Keep on not thinking, we’re still taking you in for questioning.
OK, OK I’m in.

