Want to Know Yourself?

Here are 10 maps of the human mind

Gary Niemen
New Earth Consciousness


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I have always been more interested in the inner than the outer. Take me to a big city, spin me round a few times, and I am pretty much lost. Put me on a 10-day Vipassana retreat, and I am fine. Ask me to do some DIY in the house or garden, I will look at you with fear in my eyes, and retreat to my computer. Ask me about consciousness, and we can talk for hours.

Meditation is not a practice or a discipline or a chore for me. It is more the opposite. I find it comfortable and enjoyable. In fact, I need to put a time limit on my morning sitting, so that I am not late for work.

So I have spent a lot of time over the years meditating. And I have spent a lot of time focussed inwards and reading about, studying, and contemplating this here human mind, the inner world.

But, after all this — I still have…of course…so many questions.

I remember when I was younger somebody shared with me what they thought was wise advice: Just listen to your inner voice. And I remember thinking: Yeh fine — but which one? Should I listen to the wise old man, the pleasure-seeking 20-something, or the fearful child. All were equally alive inside me.

And when I sit in meditation and get still — what do I experience? Thoughts. Memories. Fantasies…



Gary Niemen
New Earth Consciousness

Product manager and technical writer in tech by day. Writing about life, mind, and wellbeing by night. All from our red farmhouse in the Swedish countryside.