Themes: War As A Political Means

The Primacy of Political Over Military Motives

Julius Thio
2 min readMay 22, 2019


Photo by Marco Oriolesi on Unsplash
  • 兵者,国之大事, 死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也 始计
  • 故知兵之将,民之司命。国家安危之主也 作战

The Art Of War stresses the importance of war readiness as a means of survival, and failure to prepare leads to the state’s downfall.

  • 凡用兵之法,驰车千驷,革车千乘,带甲十万,千里馈粮。
  • 怒可以复喜,愠可以复悦;亡国不可以复存,死者不可以复生 火攻
  • 凡兴师十万,出征千里,百姓之费,公家之奉,日费千金

The conduct of war, however, requires significant investments in both material and human resources, and can create irreversible destruction of state, property and human lives.

  • 兵贵胜,不贵久作战
  • 是故百战百胜,非善之善者也;
    不战而屈人之兵,善之善者也。 —
  • 上兵伐谋,其次伐交,其次伐兵,其下攻城谋攻

Therefore the objective of war, when necessary, is to further one’s political agenda by imposing her will, by force, on her political rival with minimum destruction of property and casualties, and in the shortest time possible.

  • 昔之善战者,先为不可胜,以待敌之可胜 军形
  • 相守数年,以争一日之胜,而爱爵禄百金,不知敌之情者,

While one may resort to war as a last resort, a wise ruler also discourages her enemy from resorting to war against her by securing herself in a position of strength relative to the enemy. She invests resources to build up her military capabilities and intelligence. From a position of strength, one is less easily intimidated and can await an advantageous opportunity to strike the enemy if necessary.

  • 兵以诈立, 以利动 军争
  • 将者, 智, 信, 仁, 勇, 严也 始计
  • 故进不求名, 退不避罪, 唯人是保, 而利合于主, 国之宝也 地形

Since war is an extension of politics, all actions in war are to be motivated by political and military advantages. Hence, the matter of war is to be entrusted to one who possesses qualities to captain the army and puts the interest of the state above her personal glory.

