Meet the team: Nishma Jethwa

Strategic Advocacy for Human Rights
2 min readDec 27, 2017

Written by SAHR member, Habiba Akther.

Source: LinkedIn

Meet Nishma Jethwa, our Legal Counsel & Director of Strategy! Nishma has been with SAHR for over ten years and is ​the energy ​behind the organisation. She works between London and India and is crucial to our India office.

1. How long have you been with SAHR and what is your favourite thing about it?
I have been with SAHR now for nearly 10 years, almost since it’s inception. I started off as a volunteer before leading some of our project work and then finally joining the board. Now I act as the Executive Director and lead our India work. My favourite thing about it has to be the incredible women I have the privilege not only to work with but learn from on a daily basis. This includes the global team and volunteer membership as well as our clients, partners and communities. These women are building power where traditionally power has not been recognised and I feel that, right now, there is no more important work than this.

2. What change do you want to see in the world?
I’d like to see a world where we think more deeply before acting, where we considered why one action is worth taking over another, rather than rushing to the finish-line. I think this level of nuance is something SAHR embodies as an organisation and something that is desperately needed in the world today. It can be tempting to simplify complex world problems in order to find a “solution” but I don’t think this sort of thinking will ever really get us to where we want to be. We have to be ok grappling with the confusing, grey, multi-faceted world because only when we do that will we be able to start identifying what our role in making genuine and lasting change can be.

3. What gives you joy outside of work? Why is this important to your self-care?
Dancing and music give me joy because of how they carry so much beauty, strength and vulnerability all at once. For me, these are creative outlets for the emotions that we can often suppress or hide in an attempt to seem strong. I think accessing and showing vulnerability has a powerful space in self care.

4. What are you reading right now? And what would you recommend to our followers?
I’m currently reading several books actually but I think I’d really recommend Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by Bell Hooks. This is an amazing read in terms of breaking down what feminism is and can be for women of colour.



Strategic Advocacy for Human Rights

Fueling a network of courageous Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) who collectively strengthen laws, policies and practices to end sexual violence.