120 Absolute Must-Read Blogs for Entrepreneurs

Catherine Lorah
Strategic Content Marketing
27 min readAug 1, 2017

The most important key to serious accomplishment as an entrepreneur is, by far, your own internal drive and passion. That’s not something that you can learn. What you can learn, however, is pretty much everything else that is related to business ownership.

Countless investors, marketing geniuses, and wildly successful entrepreneurs have written about their personal experiences — what has worked for them and, often more importantly, what hasn’t. No matter your age, niche, industry, or phase in the entrepreneurial game, this list will help to direct you to the right blogs for your specific needs.

1) Forbes:
Forbes, one of the leading sources for frequently updated news on finance, industry, investing, and marketing, offers a lot of useful information for business owners. Specifically, check out Insights for Entrepreneurs, and the Entrepreneurs Playlist.

2) Smart Passive Income:
Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income blog was started as a way to help fellow entrepreneurs answer some of the questions that he once faced and to share the tools and techniques that worked for him. The blog features podcasts, tutorials, videos, and other how-to articles on growing a business as well as income experiments and subsequent results.

3) TechCrunch:
Following TechCrunch is essential if your business has any kind of relationship with technology. Keep track of the business side of tech with startup profiles, new Internet product reviews, and breaking tech news.

4) Gary Vaynerchuk:

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the most well-known serial entrepreneurs and internet personalities in the world, as evidenced by his cult-like following. His personal blog offers you excellent advice on digital marketing and social media, woven in with interesting and helpful tidbits about his background and unconventional path to success.

5) Quora:
Gaining and sharing knowledge is what Quora is all about. Regarding entrepreneurship, Quora has over 121,000 questions on the topic and the best, most well-thought out answers get upvoted from within the community.

6) Entrepreneurs Journey:
Started by Yaro Starak, Entrepreneurs Journey is a great guide and starting point to set up a profitable website or blog. It revolves around the three-step business model of starting a blog, growing an email newsletter, and selling your own digital products.

7) PandoDaily:
PandoDaily, started by former TechCrunch writer Sarah Lacy, bills itself as “the site of record for Silicon Valley” and offers technology news, analysis, and commentary with a focus on startup companies.

8) Mashable:
With articles like “10 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read in 2017” and regular thought pieces on the state of social media and content creation, Mashable is a great resource for business owners to brush up on the world of digital media.

9) LinkedIn Today:
This service from LinkedIn delivers the day’s top news, with curated articles based on what your business connections and fellow entrepreneurial peers are reading and sharing.

Chris Brogan

10) Chris Brogan:
A very popular blogger and social media icon, Chris Brogan’s blog offers a wealth of information on growing your social following and thus, growing your business.

11) Both Sides of the Table:
With articles for startups like “Getting Your Head in the Game for Fund Raising” and “Entrepreneur DNA,” Mark Suster has excellent advice for business owners of startups to large corporations.

12) Guy Kawasaki:
Having been the chief evangelist for both the Macintosh Division of Apple and Canva, marketing expert Guy Kawasaki’s blog has a lot of relevant insight for entrepreneurs. He is also the author of The Art of Social Media, The Art of the Start, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur, Enchantment, and nine other books.

13) Penelope Trunk’s Brazen Careerist:
The founder of four startups (the most recent being Quistic), Penelope Trunk mixes her personal anecdotes of successes and failures with small business advice. Example posts include, “Entrepreneurship is a spectrum: Find out where you are” and “Get your next mentor by being slightly annoying.”

14) Seth Godin:
Best-selling author Seth Godin’s blog often centers around marketing, respect, and the ways ideas spread. An interesting excerpt from one of his more recent blog posts, discussing the definition of the word business:

Seth Godin

“Here’s a different version: A business is a construct, an association of human beings combining capital and labor to make something. That business has precisely the same social responsibilities as the people that it consists of. The responsibility to play fairly, to see the long-term impacts of its actions and to create value for all those it engages with.”

15) Steve Blank:
With a previous career spanning 21 years in 8 high technology companies, Steve Blank is currently Professor of Entrepreneurship at various universities and is the author of Four Steps to the Epiphany. One of the best features of his blog are his 2 Minute Lessons, which sum up useful information for business owners in — you guessed it — two minutes or less.

16) The Next Woman:
Though this blog highlights problem-solving and the unique solutions provided by entrepreneurial women, the information found in The Next Woman is absolutely relevant to all entrepreneurs.

17) WiseBread:
WiseBread’s content stems from a collection of business owners and writers and is all about “living large on a small budget.” Articles such as “Entrepreneurs Versus Managers: Which are You?” and “5 Daily Habits Of Successful Entrepreneurs” are mixed in with information about budgeting wisely and cost-cutting in daily life.

18) Inc. Magazine:
Geared to the small business owner, Inc. Magazine focuses on an all-encompassing look into what can help make your business grow (or how to get started).

19) Occam’s Razor:
Occam’s Razor, by web analytics expert Avinash Kaushik, offers great insight into digital and social media marketing. What makes his work truly stand out is that he backs up each post with either substantial data or easily-digestible real life examples.

20) 500 Hats:
According to The Wall Street Journal, this site by Dave McClure is one of the most-read blogs by venture capitalists. McClure, a prominent entrepreneur and angel investor, lets business owners take a glimpse into the investor-side of doing business.

21) Small Business Brief:
Started by Jennifer Laycock & Robert Clough, Small Business Brief focuses on news, actionable information, and how-to articles specifically geared to the small business owner. Check out their reader forum for sharing business ideas and knowledge, asking questions, finding help, and encouraging others that are involved in the small business industry.

22) Brian Solis:
Award-winning author, blogger, and keynote speaker Brian Solis has studied and shaped the effects of new technology on marketing, business, and culture. His blog gives fantastic advice on customer experience, leadership, and management.

23) All Business:
All Business is a collection of business bloggers with various areas of expertise, from social media to fiance. Sample articles include “Home-Based Entrepreneurs: What Are Your Biggest Challenges of Working From Home?” and “Can You Afford a Small Business Loan? Here’s How to Know.”

24) Kabbage Small Business Blog:
Kabbage is an online lender and thus, offers great information on finances (particularly catering to small businesses). You’ll also find tips on marketing, business trends, stress management, and hiring.

25) AVC:

Fred Wilson

Fred Wilson, a venture capitalist (hence the name AVC), has written something on his blog every day since September 2003. He focuses on VC and technology, music, web/tech, and entrepreneurship. He’s very responsive to comments and thinks of himself and his readers as a give-and-take community.

26) Businesses Grow:
Mark Schaefer’s blog Business Grow (or just {grow} for short) is all about the growth of your company, customers, reputation, profits, and yourself and has the tagline, “Marketing. Strategy. Humanity.” Schaefer is a globally-recognized keynote speaker, author, business consultant, and marketing expert.

27) Convince and Convert:
Convince & Convert was founded by Jay Baer in 2008. Baer, a marketing consultant, speaker, and the author of the New York Times bestselling book, Youtility, has advised over 700 brands since his entry into the marketing world in 1993. On his blog you’ll find articles such as, “11 Companies That Are Killing It with Their Digital Marketing Campaigns” and “4 Telling Trends That Predict the Future of Content Marketing.”

28) Entrepreneur Magazine:
Known as “the premier source for everything small business,” Entrepreneur Magazine covers topics such as “Pitching Your Business to a Journalist? Here’s What Works” and “Research-Backed Ways to Impress Anyone in Two Seconds.”

29) Blog Maverick:
This blog by Mark Cuban, owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks and a star of the TV show ‘Shark Tank,’ is written with the same larger-than-life gusto that his personality exhibits.

Mark Cuban

To-the-point articles such as, “The 6 Things You Need to Know to be Great in Business” is what you can expect from Blog Maverick.

30) The Entrepreneurs Library:
Besides being a blog, “the EL” is a podcast and community for the entrepreneur, wantrepreneur, or small business owner who loves reading books. Founder Wade Danielson’s slogan is “it’s all about the book” and his goal is to highlight the top books for entrepreneurs and go on an in-depth journey with the author of the book.

31) Danny Brown:
Multiple award-winning author, marketer, and blogger Danny Brown doesn’t just write about social media and marketing on his blog, but also how in general people (and businesses) can tell better stories, be better businesses, and live better lives. According to Brown, “Business comes and goes; but we only get one shot at being good people, in life and in business.”

32) Startup Savant:
Startup Savant focuses on five key areas that are important when starting a new business: planning, formation, branding, compliance, and finance. The blog gathers reviews and resources for each of these areas, starting from your location (by state) and the top ten steps to starting a business there.

33) Small Biz Survival:
Small Biz Survival is a great resource for entrepreneurs with small businesses — especially those located in rural areas. From the beginning ‘dreaming‘ stage of starting a business complete with a checklist through the hiring of a first employee, this blog covers it all.

34) 4 Hour Work Week:

Tim Ferriss

This blog shares the same name of Tim Ferriss’ #1 New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and BusinessWeek bestseller, “The 4-Hour Workweek” and features podcast excerpts, outsourcing tips, exchanging long-haul careers for short work bursts, among more.

35) Jason Falls:
Social Media Explorer founder Jason Falls delivers up-to-date social media advice and tips for business owners. One of the most useful topics that he regularly updates are #SmallBusinessWeek Answers, examples including “Understanding Facebook’s Boost vs. Promote Features” and “The Pros and Cons of Website Builders.”

36) /r/Entrepreneur:
Though perhaps not technically a blog, with resources like an archive of small business owner advice from Reddit, entrepreneur success stories, Reddit business book recommendations, community resources, and consistent Q&A’s from the Reddit community, this collection of information from individuals all over the world is not to be missed.

37) Startup Lessons Learned:
Creator of the Lean Startup methodology and Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Harvard Business School, Eric Ries’ blog covers topics such as customer development, how to implement a lean startup, and “What does a startup CTO actually do?”

38) Social Triggers:
Derek Halpern weaves consumer psychology in with his online marketing techniques, which creates an incredibly interesting blog that runs the gamut from negotiation to persuasion in the form of scripts that you can use in your business and everyday life.

39) Andrew Chen:
Chen’s blog comes in the form of a weekly newsletter, featuring information about online marketing (especially mobile, metrics, and growth). Very well-respected by his peers, Chen is Head of Rider Growth at Uber and is an advisor/investor for tech startups including Dropbox and Tinder.

40) The Suitcase Entrepreneur:
Chief Adventurer of The Suitcase Entrepreneur, Natalie Sisson has divided her blog into three categories aimed at various stages of business ownership: the initial stage of thinking about starting a business, turning a side hustle into a business, and the last one for those who already have a business and would like more time, money, and freedom.

41) Kevin Kelly’s Lifestream:

Kevin Kelly

Co-founder and former Executive Editor at Wired, Kevin Kelly writes concise blogs about complex topics, such as futurism, leadership, and innovation.

42) Church of the Customer:
On Church of the Customer, Adina Harel writes about customer psychology and effective marketing campaigns from the perspective of a business owner. According to a post from her Twitter feed, Adina loves psychology and “…helping people to get the things right and actually see them getting what they want.”

43) Get Elastic:
Get Elastic is the number one subscribed eCommerce blog of the Elastic Path Software company and shares incredibly useful articles, such as “The Consumer Internet of Things is About to Explode” and “3 Reasons Your CEO Wants an Omnichannel Approach.”

44) Malcolm Gladwell:

Malcom Gladwell

From the author of Outliers, about extremely successful people, ambition, and intelligence (among many other fascinating works!), Malcom Gladwell’s blog continues exploring truths hidden in plain-sight data that can inspire any business owner.

45) She Owns It:
She Owns It celebrates, supports, and connects women entrepreneurs and considers itself a gathering place to find the “spark” that helps turn your dream into a reality.

46) Copyblogger:
From evaluating the content of your own business or personal blog, editing strategies, and productivity tips, this blog offers valuable information that can help attract attention and drive traffic to your business.

47) Duct Tape Marketing:
With articles such as, “The State of Social Media Usage in America Today” and “Why Great Leadership is About Great Self Awareness,” Duct Tape Marketing’s blog and podcast cover everything from earning referrals and marketing to being more productive and minimizing customer acquisition costs.

48) Richard McManus:
Author and tech columnist Richard McManus’ main objective is to articulate what’s next in technology and what it means for society with advice that can be crucial to business owners in the mobile, web, and tech sphere.

49) Young Upstarts:
Young Upstarts is all about “…entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, ideas, innovation, and small business.” Though this blog is geared to the younger entrepreneur set, articles such as “4 Reasons to Consider a New Domain Name for Your Startup” and others can absolutely apply to business owners of any age.

50) Small Business Trends:
Small Business Trends is a great source of information, breaking news and advice for small business owners and entrepreneurs. Sample articles include “10 Essential Reads for an Unpredictable Business Future” and “20 Social Media Post Ideas You Can Steal for Your Brand.”

51) Venture Hacks:
Started by Babak Nivi and Naval Ravikant, startup advisors, entrepreneurs, and investors, Venture Hacks has insightful pieces spotlighting widsom from influential leaders, tips on raising capital, and information on their AngelList project.

52) James Altucher:
Trader, investor, writer, and entrepreneur James Altucher writes about his successes and failures in an honest, raw, and comical way. An example of the failures: in 1998 Altucher had $15 million after selling Reset Inc., a web-design firm, and lost it all in two years, which led him to reevaluate his approach to both business and life. Learning from the mistakes of others is the next best thing to learning from one’s own.

53) Marco Arment:
A self-described programmer, writer, podcaster, geek, and coffee enthusiast, Marco Arment was the lead developer of Tumblr from 2006 to 2010. His blog features tech news and insights, ad tips, and updates on his current iOS podcast app project Overcast.

54) Jared Reitzin:

Jared Reitzin

Jared Reitzin’s blog focuses on ‘helping the resource(less) entrepreneur go from zero to ten million.’ Reitzin, CEO of mobileStorm, often writes on topics such as the latest laws surrounding digital marketing, as well as multi-channel marketing and new marketing technologies.

55) Mike Michalowicz:
By age 35, Michalowicz created and sold two multi-million dollar companies, became an angel investor, lost his fortune, and then decided to start all aver again. Pushing to find a better system to grow successful companies, he started the “Profit First Formula” and went to become a small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal and a business makeover expert for MSNBC. His blog features guest articles from a variety of authors related to business growth and client management.

56) EOFire:
John Lee Dumas’ blog EOFire is a fantastic companion piece to his top-ranked podcast Entrepreneurs On FIRE, where he interviews today’s most inspiring entrepreneurs seven days a week. Topics include “How to avoid burnout: Managing overwhelm and the shiny object syndrome” and “How to manage growing a team in-office and virtually.”

57) Noobpreneur:
Multi-authored blog Noobpreneur aims to help small business owners grow their business by tapping into the small business trends and industry insights shared by fellow small business owners, experts and professionals.

58) Rich Dad:
The mission of Rich Dad blog, started by Kim and Robert Kiyosaki, is ‘to elevate the financial well-being of humanity.’ Interesting blog examples include “The Four Foundations of Financial Literacy” and “The Worst Advice for Entrepreneurs.”

59) Buffer Blog:
Social media scheduling tool Buffer has a wonderful blog that covers the latest social media tools, analytics, and strategies for Twitter, Facebook, and more. A great example of an incredibly useful article for business owners is “How to Craft the Perfect Post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.”

60) Women on Business:
Women on Business, an award-winning online destination for the news and information women need to be successful in the business world, is a great source of information for any business owner, regardless of gender. Featuring an international team of contributors, the content found on this blog is for solopreneurs to corporate executives, across the globe.

61) Under 30 CEO:
Though geared towards, as the name suggests, young entrepreneurs, articles found in this blog (there’s also a podcast) can be useful for business owners of every age. From daily writing tips to empowerment and traveling, this blog covers a lot of ground.

62) The Entrepreneurial Mind:
Dr. Jeff Cornwall’s The Entrepreneurial Mind is an interactive e-learning community where business owners can go to find answers and engage with others on topics such as growing a business, working with partners, creating a culture, day-to-day financial management, and raising capital.

63) Think Entrepreneurship:
With tips, advice, and inspiration for entrepreneurs, here you’ll find the experiences of the entrepreneurial journey of creator Pete Sveen. Examples include unique tips to wake up early, the best accounting software for entrepreneurs, and how to stay focused in the summer.

64) Mixergy:

Andrew Warner

The ‘mix’ part of Mixergy comes from creator Andrew Warner’s desire to help ambitious people who love business as much as he does learn from a mix of experienced mentors. On Warner’s blog, you’ll find a great collection of interviews from founders and entrepreneurs.

65) NextShark:
An online magazine spotlighting tech, culture, and business, NextShark was founded in 2013 by Benny Luo and is a news destination for global English-speaking Asian youth.

66) The Grasshopper Blog:
The Grasshopper Blog features insights for entrepreneurs, marketers and small business in the form of tips and case studies. Recent topics include why email automation boosts sales, the ins and outs of a successful crowdfunding campaign, and online businesses that can be started on a shoestring budget.

67) Peter Shallard:
The self-labeled “Shrink for Entrepreneurs” Peter Shallard offers advice for business owners centered around the concepts of wealth, freedom, and sanity. Writings on the psychological side of entrepreneurship such as “How to become a Type-A maniacal entrepreneur” and “How gurus exploit imposter syndrome for profit” are some examples of what you’ll find on his blog.

68) The Entrepreneur Blog:
Evan Carmichael, founder of The Entrepreneur Blog, started and sold his first biotech software company by the age of 19. In the past few years, he was recognized by Forbes as one of the world’s top 40 social marketing talents. His blog features information on his favorite tools, books, quotes, and videos as well as a wealth of information in his advice section.

69) Braid Creative:
Tara Street and Kathleen Shannon, creators of Braid Creative, have backgrounds in advertising, designing, writing, blogging, and consulting. branding and visioning for creative entrepreneurs and purposeful businesses. Their blog is a good resource for tips on branding and developing a voice and vision.

70) On Startups:
This blog by former coder turned software company founder Dharmesh Shah is invaluable for those interested in software startups. If you’re interested in topics like SaaS companies, chatbots, and onboarding, this is the blog for you.

71) Lifestyle Entrepreneur Blog:
Jesse Krieger, author of Lifestyle Entrepreneur Blog, is also the best-selling author of Lifestyle Entrepreneur: Make Money Doing What You Love, Even in Tough Times. Krieger’s blog offers case studies of big things starting in small ways, like the story of a probation officer writing a book and using that to start a profitable coaching business. There are a lot of tips in this blog about authorship and how to change the direction of your life by writing about what you love.

72) Roger James Hamilton Blog:
Hamilton’s self-titled blog offers a great deal of inspiration to both those thinking to start their own business and those who already have. Hamilton is the founder of Entrepreneurs Institute and the creator of GeniusU, and posts content such as “The Entrepreneurial World Has Reached A Tipping Point” and “What Crazy Idea Are You Putting Off?”

73) Chris Ducker:

Chris Ducker

Chris Ducker’s blog features hundreds of posts and plenty of interviews with successful entrepreneurs. In 2009, Ducker suffered business owner burnout from consistent 14-hour work days. He put a goal in place to be a Virtual CEO by 2010 which he then achieved, thus he had enough time to launch another business that same year. If you’re interested in personal branding and ‘youpreneurship,’ this blog is a great resource.

74) Epic Launch:
Just as the name suggests, this blog houses a lot of information about launching products, such as “Don’t Launch a New Product Until You Can Answer These Questions” and “7 Critical Mistakes Entrepreneurs Wish They Knew Before Starting a Business.” Founder Ben Lang started his own eBay business at the age of 14, started this blog while still a teenager, and is currently Head of Growth at Spoke.

75) Startup Mindset:
Startup Mindset is a good all-around site for general business ownership tips, like “The One Time Matrix Necessary to Improve Productivity,” “30 Quotes to Remember When You Need Some Encouragement,” and “How to Control Stress Factors at Your Startup in 2017 and Beyond.”

76) Frugal Entrepreneur:
Founder of Frugal Entrepreneur, Adam Gottlieb, decided to start his own blog after doing online research for his own small business and finding a lot of information, albeit much of it unusable. This blog focuses on high-quality and practical information for the small business owner.

77) Quick Sprout:
Co-founder of Crazy Egg and KISSmetrics, online marketing guru Neil Patel shares social media and branding tips on his Quick Sprout Blog. Topics include how to create a trust-boosting Facebook page, how to create a YouTube brand, and using live videos to increase revenue.

78) The Tropical MBA: Location Independent Entrepreneurship:
With a backlog of articles from 2009, ‘TMBA’ founders Dan Andrews and Ian Schoen aim to “create more value than you capture” with their blog and podcast. In 2007, Andrews and Schoen began a product design and eCommerce company that grew to be a multi-million dollar business. Since exiting that business a few years ago, they’ve shared the story of their journey on a weekly basis on The Tropical MBA.

79) CorpNet Launch:
Corpnet, a company that offers compliance and document services for entrepreneurs, created their Launch blog to give small business owners advice on how stay successful. The blog’s authors are employees of the company who offer personal anecdotes and write about their particular areas of expertise.

80) The Secrets of Entrepreneurship:
The aim of SoE is to “…engender an individual’s potential to initiate personal, community and business ventures” and cover topics such as paying off debt, avoiding Instagram marketing blunders, and retail marketing ideas to boost sales.

Christine Tsai

81) 500 Startups:
Founded by Dave McClure and Christine Tsai in 2010, 5oo Startups is a venture fund and seed accelerator that has, to date, invested in over 1,600 companies in over 60 countries. The 500 Startup blog features articles on what makes a great growth hacker, visual marketing lessons, and the not so simple math on venture portfolio size.

82) Big Ideas for a Small Business:
Popular small business influencer Barbara Weltman, whose professional background is as a tax and business attorney, wishes to help small businesses get ahead by publishing information on small business operations from a legal perspective.

83) Entrepreneurship Life:
Entrepreneurship Life offers a wide net of information for business owners from start-ups to well-established companies and focuses on emerging information about leadership, business finance, and up-and-coming technologies. Not just focusing on business, this blog seeks to weave in a variety of lifestyle topics outside of the typical 9–5 job that many entrepreneurs can relate to.

84) Income Diary:
Geared towards web entrepreneurs, Income Diary has been featured in The New York Times, Business Insider, and MSN Money. They feature regularly updated income lists for top entrepreneurs, cover revenue generation, increasing traffic, and website building, and conduct interviews with experts in these aforementioned subject areas.

85) The Work At Home Woman:
Born from mother Holly Reisem Hanna’s struggle to find legitimate work-at-home opportunities, The Work At Home Woman was Reisem Hanna’s response in an effort to make things easier for women in a similar situation. The blog features job listings, career resources, giveaways, and work-from-home tips.

86) Entrepreneurboy:
This blog’s Entrepreneur Journeys Category is a great resource for those just starting on their journey of entrepreneurship. The blog was started as a response to creator James J-Pierre’s battle with mental illness and the difficulties he encountered while working in the corporate world. The main sections of the blog include the topics of entrepreneurship, personal growth, business, productivity, and, most importantly to J-Pierre, happiness.

87) I Will Teach You To Be Rich:
With a devout following of over 1 million monthly readers, Ramit Sethi and his blog I Will Teach You To Be Rich push the importance of personal development and finance management. Blog topics include tips on how to stop procrastinating, how to be popular, and how to write an introduction email that works.

88) VentureStorm Blog:
VentureStorm is community of innovators that links startup companies with software developers for relationship development. Blog topics include “How Does Machine Learning Apply to My Business” and “How To Successfully Launch Your Product.”

Adam and Matthew Toren

89) Blogtrepreneur:
Blogtrepreneur was started by brothers Adam and Matthew Toren, two self-described serial entrepreneurs and authors of the award winning books Kidpreneurs and Small Business, BIG Vision: Lessons on How to Dominate Your Market from Self-Made Entrepreneurs Who Did it Right. Blogtrepreneur has articles about topics such as employee relations, the best eCommerce platforms, management techniques, data security, and must-have procedures in the workplace.

90) forEntrepreneurs:
Created by David Skok, who at the age of 21 left college and started his first company, forEntrepreneurs provides value for entrepreneurs in the form of tips and guidelines with posts like “Lessons Learned-Viral Marketing” and “5 Reasons Why Startups Fail.” Skok now serves as a VC parter at Matrix Partners, the firm that backed his last two companies.

91) Smart Hustle:
Quarterly print and weekly digital magazine Smart Hustle’s blog focuses on the journey of the hustle for every entrepreneur, and the way to go about that journey in as smart a way as possible. According to collaborator Ramon Ray, “There are many publications which focus on the success of entrepreneurs or small business owners. There aren’t any, that I’ve seen, which focus solely on the hustle, the smart hustle, of small business entrepreneurs.”

92) Erin Blaskie:
Digital Strategist Erin Blaskie’s blog centers around her primary expertise in setting up systems and processes for businesses and using digital marketing to facilitate community. One example of how detailed and useful her posts can be is “A Framework for Creating Your Introductory E-mail Marketing Funnel,” where she describes her immediate plan to three, seven, 11, and 14 days later.

93) Location Rebel:

Sean Ogle

Just as the name suggests, this blog is for entrepreneurs that would like the freedom to operate their business from anywhere in the world. Former financial analyst Sean Ogle started the blog after realizing he was unhappy with his 60 hour-per-week job in Portland, OR and began doing freelance SEO work while working on his blog. On Location Rebel, you’ll find posts describing how to start a blog from zero, operating a niche site to gain passive income, and how to launch a physical product business on Amazon.

94) Thrilling Heroics:
Cody McKibben is an entrepreneur, world traveler, and CEO of Thrilling Heroics, which is a blog dedicated to inspiring entrepreneurs to become their own hero. Starting out as a micro-entrepreneur with a web design company, McKibben grew his personal business enough to allow him to relocate and travel around the world while simultaneously expanding his personal brand. His blog details his journeys and thoughts on working outside of traditional education and work paradigms.

95) Success Harbor:
Co-founders George Meszaros and Monika Beck are self-described serial entrepreneurs, readers, and writers. After experiencing many ups and downs since starting their own businesses in 2003, they decided to start Success Harbor to share what they’ve learned along the way. Popular articles include how to rebrand an eCommerce site, how to protect your business idea, and specific social media mistakes to avoid.

96) The Entrepreneur’s Source:
The Entrepreneur’s Source was started in 1984 by leadership coach Terry Powell, whose entrepreneurial experience ranges from franchise establishment to owner coaching. If you are a franchise business owner, this niche blog is a great resource for information on new franchising opportunities, uncovering your primary aim, and which franchise concept is right for you.

97) WorkAwesome:
This is a fabulous blog if you are already a business owner and doing what you love, but you’d like regular insight on how to become more awesome at what you do. From time management to productivity, WorkAwesome covers a lot of bases that any entrepreneur would find useful.

98) Indiegogo:
Indiegogo, the popular crowdfunding site for entrepreneurs, has an incredibly useful blog featuring tips and insights on building an audience, manufacturing, tech innovations, and successful entrepreneurs in the news.

99) Octane Blog:
Octane is the official blog of EO, or Entrepreneurs’ Organization, sees itself as a one-stop shop for all things entrepreneurial. It contains articles by industry leaders, expert interviews, business blogger guest posts, global trend reports, and videos depicting the entrepreneurial experiences of EO members.

100) Numerate Choir:
With the tagline ‘Preachin’ ’bout data and startups’, Numerate Choir is all about people who are using data, analytics, and science to build businesses and improve the world. The founder, Mike Greenfield, led LinkedIn’s analytics team and built much of PayPal’s early fraud detection technology, and often writes data-driven articles focusing on tech startups.

101) Small Business Labs:
Small Business Labs, or Small Biz Labs for short, focuses on “tracking and forecasting the trends and shifts impacting the future of small business.” You can expect topics such as the state of online talent marketplaces, what millennial want from their employers, mapping key emerging technologies, and the business of work/life integration.

John Rampton

102) John Rampton:
After a critical leg injury, John Rampton began teaching himself online marketing. With that knowledge, he started and grew several companies that eventually earned him a seven-figure income. According to Rampton, “I like blog about my successes and my epic failures I have in this life to both inspire and help guide you in your journey towards success. My hope is that every person out there will become successful. Here’s to building a better tomorrow.”

103) Feld Thoughts:
An entrepreneur and investor since the late ’80s, Brad Feld and his blog focus on tech venture topics, such as “Lessons From The Internet Bubble: Growth vs. Profitability” and “Two Major Supreme Court Decisions on Patents.”

104) Josh Steimle:
Josh Steimle is the founder and CEO of MWI, a digital marketing agency that has clients such as Sony, Symantec, and LG. His blog has articles such as “How To Make It Drop Dead Easy To Share Your Content,” “9 Mistakes Influencers Make When Trying to Become Contributors to Major Publications,” and “Top Social Media Tools for Influencers.”

Noah Kagan

105) OkDork:
Noah Kagan, founder of Sumo and AppSumo, writes about his experiences starting those two businesses and strategies on marketing, starting a business, and more on OkDork. What shines about this blog is how direct and practical his advice is. For example, one of the standouts of “What I Learned Growing an 8-Figure Business” is: “Don’t worry about getting new customers. Existing customers are so much easier to market , so build complimentary products for your existing customers.”

106) Volusion’s Ecommerce Insights Blog:
For entrepreneurs in the eCommerce world, Volution’s blog is especially useful. You can expect to find articles on how to grow your eCommerce business with email lead capture, how to set up your first Google shopping campaign, and understanding sitemaps and page indexing.

107) GrooveHQ:
Groove, a tool for growing small businesses that helps your team deliver personal customer support, has an awesome timeline-style blog that covers everything from ways that they collect powerful customer testimonials, answers to Groove’s top-asked business questions, and ways to filter the advice that you get from business (and life).

108) Venture for America blog:
The nonprofit organization Venture for America links startup companies with recent graduates, creating over 2,000 new jobs over the last few years. Topics include working at a startup vs. working at a large, established company, formatting a startup resume, and an interview with Kate Ryder, founder and CEO of Maven.

109) Need Want:
Need Want, creators of various lifestyle products (such as an ultra thin iPhone and a paper notebook that syncs to the cloud) has a useful blog about profit, loss, costs, marketing techniques, manufacturing secrets, and more.

110) Marie Forleo:

Marie Forleo

Author, web TV host (MarieTV), life coach, and motivational speaker Marie Forleo writes articles such as, “How to Stop Your Side Hustle From Becoming a Pushed-Aside Hustle” and “Should You Start More Than One Business at Once? Watch This to Help You Decide” on her blog, where she strives to help you reach the highest levels of your creative potential.

111) Brainy Marketer:
Brainy Marketer, founded and developed by John Paul Aguiar, is a multi-author blog with articles sharing online marketing tips, advice and help. Brainy Marketer features topics like vital steps to start a business, the best keyword research tools, driving traffic from Pinterest, and improving YouTube audience retention.

112) Escape from Cubicle Nation:

Pamela Slim

Pamela Slim, a former corporate training manager who worked with large companies like Hewlett-Packard and Cisco, left her office job over a decade ago to go solo, and has thrived ever since. Her website’s archive has helpful articles such as “7 Rookie Legal Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make (And How to Avoid Them)” and “What Story Does Google Tell About You?”

113) IttyBiz:
Naomi Dunford, marketing and growth coach to hundreds ‘itty’ online businesses, has a huge personality — and her blog reflects that (like in this interview with Sonia from Copyblogger). Her blog features information in her distinct voice about how to properly carry out a launch, how to make sales cycles easy, and staying productive on low energy days.

114) Late Blooming Entrepreneurs:
No matter what your age, Late Blooming Entrepreneurs proves that it’s never too late to start a business, catering to the over 40 set. Founder Lynne Strang retired from her day job, became a freelance writer, and then wrote a book on the entire process. Her blog features various case studies and interviews of people who, like her, decided to chase their dreams at any age.

115) Retail Prophet:
With over 20 years of experience in senior international roles and having influenced Disney, Coca Cola, and Walmart’s ideology, retail industry futurist Doug Stephens blog hits on valuable tech and retail information for anyone in the industry. Expect posts like, “The Future Of Retail And The Offline Escape,” “Retail And The Economics Of Boredom,” and “Retailing Through The Trough Of Disillusionment.”

116) Fundera:
Fundera, a service that allows you to compare small business loan options, extends practical financial advice specifically for small-scale entrepreneurs. From the best business rewards credit cards to how to easily bootstrap a small business, this blog is a must read for an entrepreneur specifically in the launching phase of their business.

117) Soul of an Entrepreneur:
Coach, writer, and creative entrepreneur Deborah A. Bailey has loaded Soul of an Entrepreneur with useful articles and links to free online tools, especially for marketing graphic creation, printables, podcast audio and editing, and writing and editing. Beyond that, she offers book reviews, lifestyle tips, and advice on honing your entrepreneurial mindset.

118) Harvard Business Review:
The Harvard Business Review blogs are a classic place to absorb information from industry leaders on strategy, innovation, and leadership. Editors’ picks include “How to Communicate Clearly During Organizational Change” and “Leadership Takes Self-Control. Here’s What We Know About It,” while a few of the most popular topics are about early warning signs of team stress levels, startups that have stumbled over problems they could have avoided, and what being ‘smart’ means in the AI age.

119) 64 Notes:
Creator of 64 notes (moniker: King Sidharth) originally started this blog as a way to keep his notes together when he began researching entrepreneurship and startups. His posts are often funny and hyper opinionated, such as his rant on why everyone should stop using Arial and Helvetica, but also can be inspirational, such as how you can practically live the life of your dreams.

Megan Auman

120) Designing an MBA:
Megan Auman, creator of Designing an MBA, started the blog specifically for designers and makers like herself who are seeking to advance their business skills. Many of her posts center around the struggles that creatives might have, such as whether or not to hold Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales, social media confusion, and cash flow challenges.

What are some of your favorite blogs?


“Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.”
-Brian Tracy



Catherine Lorah
Strategic Content Marketing

Marketing Project Manager with a passion for entrepreneurship, travel/tourism, art, and internet culture.