Why blogging is key to your content marketing strategy

Jun Song
Strategic Content Marketing
7 min readSep 19, 2018
© Mathias De Wilde | storychief.com

Blogging timeout!

Can we all agree that content marketing is getting a bit out of control?

At last count, a Google search of “types of formats of content marketing” yielded upwards of 105 types of content.

That means it’s the perfect time to get back to our storytelling roots — blogging.

This isn’t to say you have to give up your fancy videos and podcasts and webinars, no. In fact, nobody should be putting their proverbial eggs in just one basket.


  1. You’ll generate THREE TIMES more leads via blogs than through ads.
  2. Blogging is perfect for SEO.
  3. You’ll have FOUR TIMES the likelihood of being found higher on organic search results.
  4. Blogging will make or break your 2018.
  5. Blogging is your brand’s voice and calling card.
  6. You can sleep while your blogs do your work for you.
  7. Your blogs are an opportunity for transparency.
  8. Blogging pinpoints your WHY and keeps your head in the game.
  9. Google likes blogging as a content marketing strategy (it’s true).
  10. Long-form, short-form, don’t care.
  11. TL;DR is good for you (and your SEO)
  12. Blogging is a great workout for your brain!
  13. If you write it, they will share by click or word of mouth…
  14. You can start a blog for free!
  15. Blogging doesn’t get jealous of other types of content.

Now, if you’re still asking, “Why do I need blogging to be a part of my content marketing strategy?”

Here are the top fifteen reasons why, in more detail…

1. When it comes to lead generation, blogging is better — way better, than paying for ads

If you have an effective content marketing strategy, then the results you get from blogging will far surpass any short-term traffic from temporary search ads.

(Source: https://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics)

Yes. You’ll generate THREE TIMES more leads via blogs than through ads.

So why break the bank when you can bang on your keyboard and flex those brain cells on the path to content creation?!

2. Blogging drives traffic to your website and is perfect for SEO.

There’s even a Content Writing Checklist out there already, designed to help you in your search engine optimized blogging efforts.

3. You’ll have FOUR TIMES the likelihood of ranking higher in organic search results than those who don’t have a blog (Source: Tech Client).

Microsoft and IBM might have been the first ones to have “the corporate blog” as we know it, but the fact of the matter is, you can’t afford NOT to have one today.

4. A whopping 52%of marketers define blogging as “critical”

In a recent content marketing survey of 2,562 marketers worldwide, blogging came out on top as the most critical content marketing tactic for 2018.

(Source: Content Marketing Institute)

Given the fact that there are 105 documented “content marketing tactics” to begin with, blogging coming in at #1 is a true testament to the power of the blog!

5. Blogging is your brand’s calling card to building trust

If you’ve got your finger on the pulse of industry trends and your clients’ needs, then you already know that your company blog is the perfect platform to remain true to your brand.

So get those fingers moving.

6. Blogs don’t sleep so you can, among other lovely things on your to-do live

There’s a reason why blogs like Hubspot’s gets over a million visits through organic search engine results alone.

They’ve invested in their blogging and powered their way through to a SEO-driven library, and now their blogs are working for them while they sleep.

7. Your blogs are an opportunity for transparency

Among other things, Buffer is known for their transparency and willingness to share best practices. There’s no better way to show your company’s core values than through honest two-way communication, which blogging affords you from the get-go.

If you’re a startup, then get on the path to sharing and starting those conversations early on.

Standuply is a prime example of how humble beginnings and failures along the way.

The Standuply Team sincerely apologizing for bugs and other mishaps in 2017

Mistakes happen, and can help build a community. Just ask Gleb Dvoryatkin, Artem Borodin, and Alex Kistenev (photo: left to right).

Authenticity matters. It matters to prospects and it matters to your existing client base.

8. You’re more likely to know WHY you’re blogging, because writing actually does require research and planning.

And that why can make or break you.

So do you know why you’re blogging? And what the purpose is for each blog?

Why are you blogging?
What is your blog’s goal?

Note: No matter the “why,” your writing voice should never lose your brand’s personality and personal touch.

9. Google awards longer, insightful reads

It’s true.

Google decided years ago that longer blogging posts should rank more favorably because of the opportunities for relevant backlinks in evergreen content (serving as your blog’s cornerstones).

The reader would have to, in turn, stay on said page longer in order to read the in-depth content, therefore establishing credibility for the site.

It’s no wonder that bloggers are increasingly opting for long-form content.

Bloggers report
Source: orbitmedia.com | 2017

10. Short-form content works for its own reasons

There are reason why blogs of 500 words or less are still quite effective too:

  • They’re easier on the eye for mobile users
  • They’re more likely to be shared

And FYI, Story Chief stays on top of Google algorithms and recommendations for you so you don’t have to. Just create your stories and follow the guidelines along the way. Plus, AMP and Instant Articles are the way to go.

Story Chief will never lead your astray!

11. The emergence of the TL;DR is a hidden SEO bonus

The “TLDR” has been widely adopted as a blogging trick of the trade as of late.

Much like social media, TLDR isn’t going away anytime soon. So you might as well embrace it.

Urban legends tell the tale of the origins of the TLDR dating back to as far as 2003, which for modern day tweens are ancient times. The initialism stood for “too long didn’t read,” and was used by high schoolers as a text message reply indicating that one was far too busy to even justify a response more than “TLDR.”

Oh, the travesty.

Credit: theverge.com

But all jokes aside, TLDR plays dual roles.

  • It helps summarize your blog post into succinct one-liners for those people out there who don’t always have the time or attention span to read long-form content
  • It’s an opportunity to jam in a few more long-tail keywords for your on-page SEO

12. Blogging is a marathon and not a race

Despite rumors to the contrary, people do read blogs. They always have.

The fruits of your content marketing labor will be be worth it in the long run. Thought leadership takes time. So build up your credibility and be at the top of everyone’s mind for in-depth material.

They’ll even link back to your content as a credible source.

Inbound links are priceless. As important as it is to include some hyperlinks of your own in your SEO writing, the number of backlinks that your blog receives may be your lifeline to blogging survival.

13. Ambassadors are real people just like you and your readers

There are several ways to extend your reach, including but not limited to:

As Rockin’ 1000 Founder Fabio Zaffagnini can attest to, the “thousand” in Rockin’ 1000 multiplied and amplified his efforts year after year.

The love of music and people came together and each ambassador made it possible to give a portion of this year’s concert’s proceeds to charity.

Story Chief makes it possible to increase your blog’s reach by 14 times with its referral marketing system built right in.

Never underestimate the power of the word of mouth.

14. You can start a blog for free

Yes, whether or not you decide to use the free blog provided by Story Chief, it is still possible in this day and age to blog for free on other platforms.

Level up your inbound marketing game by investing in high quality blogging. Not only will you drive traffic your way but you’ll be able to repurpose your content so you’re not constantly reinventing the wheel.

15. You can blog all day and still go content marketing crazy by night

Think of all your forms of content as investment strategies, and your library of content as your investment portfolio. Sure, you have to diversify, but be sure to make blogging your primary investment.

You’ll definitely get the best return on your investment by investing in blogging!



Jun Song
Strategic Content Marketing

Today: Expat single mom and Chief Storyteller at junsong.co || Back in the day: Wall Streeter, Restaurateur, Big Brother 4 U.S. Winner