4 Facebook ad targeting techniques to maximize conversions

Bob Low
Strategic Content Marketing
4 min readJan 22, 2018

Facebook ad marketing is like fishing in the sea. Your customers are obviously not looking to make a purchase decision, just like fish are not looking to be baited by a hook.

Facebook audiences are in the different buying cycle than that of audience of Google Adwords. Most of the audience that you reach on Facebook have no idea of who you are and have no requirements of the service you offer.

Facebook audiences are often in the “Awareness” stage of the buying cycle, while Google Adwords audiences are often at the point of “Consideration” in the buying cycle. Just to elaborate, here is the buying cycle as below:

Awareness: People in this stage may not even realize they have a need for your product or service yet. So they’re obviously not ready (or willing) to purchase. Instead, the goal is to grab their attention so that you can follow up with them when they’re ready to consider their alternatives.

Consideration: Once people have identified a need, they’ll begin researching potential options. Now the timing is perfect to follow up and possibly generate a lead if you can provide something interesting and valuable.

Decision: Leads will seriously consider the best option after surveying the competitive landscape, starting with your pricing, trial offers, and other ways to get started.

Many marketers have made the mistake of running conversions ads on Facebook to customers who have only seen their brand for the first time. This is done when an audience is exposed to a “shop now” or “book now” ad when the audience does not have awareness of the brand.

Luckily here are 4 simple Facebook targeting techniques to let you run effective conversion ads. Conversions can be making a reservation or actually making a product purchase.

  1. Targeting your Facebook page fans

I have debated the value of the number of fans a Facebook page has because every organic post only reaches an average 1% of your fans. However your fan page would serve as a great targeting tool to target an audience who already knows your brand name. Simply select the connection type of people who have Like your page and your conversion ads would be shown to an audience that is already familiar with your brand, hence the higher chance of conversions!

2. Targeting people who have visited your website

Audiences that have visited that have visited your website obviously have recognition of your brand, have made a consideration or have contributed to a conversion. Hence, by re-marketing to this audience you have a chance to reinforce a purchase decision or get a recurring conversion.

For effective Facebook ad targeting, make sure that you generate a Facebook pixel and embed it in your website. After you have embedded a Facebook pixel, you can create a custom audience from people who have visited your website.

3. Target your offline customers

Chances are you have a database of customer information from your POS or CRM system. Leverage on this offline data by engaging your offline customers with Facebook ads or content. This is a sure way to convert your Facebook advertising into recurring sales conversions.

Simply upload your data of phone numbers or emails and create a custom audience using “customer file”.

On a separate note, you can also track the effectiveness of your Facebook ads conversion to offline sales by creating a offline event set.

4. Targeting people who have engaged in your ads

Facebook marketing is about recreating the sales cycle for an audience who does not know your brand. You first create “Awareness” by engaging them with content, then you have a conversion ad that highlights your USP by triggering their “Consideration”, hopefully this end at a “Decision” at your website.

The key here is to leverage on the “Awareness” that you have created by targeting your conversion ads to people who have engaged with your content. You can choose audiences who have watched your videos, engaged with your Instagram page, Facebook page, event or have signed up in your lead form.

That’s it! If you want to run conversion ads today, use these 4 targeting methods to increase your chances of conversion!

Who am I?

Digital marketing & content strategist.

I have worked with brands such as KFC, Unilever, Mead Johnson, L’oreal, Thai Odyssey Group, Watsons & Help University.

For FREE 30 minutes consultation email me at bobthinkz@gmail.com



Bob Low
Strategic Content Marketing

Digital Marketing Consultant specializing in Facebook & Instagram Advertising, Content Strategy & SEO