Effective Content Marketing: Are The Right Eyes On The Prize?

Mallie Hart
Strategic Content Marketing
2 min readOct 7, 2016

It’s funny, sometimes, how a topic that’s on your mind can become even more relevant when you see it discussed and dissected amongst a group of your peers.

I had the title of this article sitting on hold in my drafts, waiting for me to flesh it out into something worthy of publishing. Then, I took part in a Tweetchat on content marketing, aptly titled #contentchat, and the idea of getting the right eyes on the prize became even more important for me to flesh out and publish.

It doesn’t matter how well written and full of insight the content if the right eyes aren’t seeing it.

Know Thy Audience, Know Thy Content

It’s only when content is placed in front of the correct eyes, meaning you know and understand your audience, that your content, your idea, takes the next step and allows for discussion, sharing and more.

Knowing your audience, both current and potential, is a crucial part of getting viable and valuable eyes on your content prize. If that carefully crafted content doesn’t meet the needs of your audience, then the time and energy spent crafting that message provides NO value, and actually becomes a waste of time, a time suck — so to speak.

Time Suck or Tempting Treat?

Eyes on the prize is about much more than choosing the right platform for your message. At its core, at its most valuable, it’s about creating and sharing the right content to resonate with your audience.

Does that content:

  • answer a frequently asked question?
  • solve an oft-repeated issue or immediate need?
  • create the opportunity for open discussion?
  • cater to your specific audience interest(s)?

If you can’t answer “yes” to any of the questions above, then any eyes on your carefully crafted prize are going to gloss over it, rather than reading avidly and potentially engaging in discussion and/or sharing with their own audience(s).

How do you ensure that the content that you create and/or share resonates with your audience. How do you make it a real prize to interested eyes?



Mallie Hart
Strategic Content Marketing

Fueled by coffee and loud music we design your marketing! Digital and print design: logos, branding, web, content development, social media and more.