How to create video content without breaking a sweat!!

Bob Low
Strategic Content Marketing
3 min readJan 6, 2018

Ever wondered what is the best content to give you the best engagement and conversions?


This is by no way a surprise, with Facebook’s auto-play function n the news feed videos are prone to more engagement & impressions. Digital marketers are looking to video content for engagement, but how do we create video content on a regular basis?

Types of Facebook videos you can create

i. Professionally produced video

The most common way to produce videos is to contact your local video producers to get the best crisp quality videos. This might be costly, however if you would foresee a long term usage of the video it can be justified.

ii. Vlogs

Offer opportunities to vloggers to feature or review your product as their content. Remember to subtly ask permission to repost their content natively on your social media.

iii. Videos from other media/news sites

Scour social media for media/news sites for videos related to your product or service. Re-post these videos as part of your content.

iv. “Micro” Videos

Look for basic video editing tools to cut out portions of your existing long form videos to create extra “Micro” content. For example, if your promotional video of a cafe describes the ambience, food, coffee & chef… You could cut out the specific part of the video that is about the coffee to create a separate content for the coffee. Don’t worry about the time length of the video, short & long form videos create great engagement.

Creating “Micro” focused videos from your long videos is the best way to reuse marketing material for engagement.

Gary Vaynerchuk cuts out short videos from his long keynotes to create short focused engaging videos.

v. Compilation of Instagram Stories

With sponsored influencer marketing, you can either request for photo or video posts in return for sponsorships. Get the influencer to post a few instagram stories and request for the videos after the post.

Compile the videos together to create engaging video content!

vi. Create a silieshow of photos

A compilation slideshow of photos can be an engaging form of video as well. Use a simple video editing software, upload a series of photos, set the intervals of the photos & you have a video slideshow!

Social media marketing is about frequency & constant engagement rather than quality. So get going and create engaging videos for your business today!

Who am I?

Your friendly neighborhood digital marketer. I consult businesses on their digital & social media strategy.

I have worked with brands such as KFC, Unilever, Mead Johnson, L’oreal, Thai Odyssey Group, Watsons & Help University.

For consultation email me at



Bob Low
Strategic Content Marketing

Digital Marketing Consultant specializing in Facebook & Instagram Advertising, Content Strategy & SEO