The Alphabet of Content Strategy

Jess Vice
Strategic Content Marketing


I am more and more frequently asked how I got into content strategy and what advice I would give to someone interested in joining the field, as well as if I have any good resources to share. I’ve compiled all of my advice emails and scoured the web (just to round it out a bit), and I present to you this Content Strategy Alphabet.

*Content strategists: Please feel free to add/supplement/correct with your in-line comments. That’s why I chose Medium — I’m just kicking off this collection. I need your help to complete it!

Know Your ABCs

A is for Answers.

Any website user’s goal can be simplified to one word: answers. People turn to the web for answers to their questions, and a content strategist’s job is to help users find those answers quickly and easily. (This is why CS + SEO are like that power couple that has everything: looks, athletic skills, smarts, that hip vibe.) Answering user questions is at the core of what CS’s do.


When you’re asked to build a content strategy for a new site or provide insight for an existing site, the first place to start is a content audit. The goal of a content audit is to gain a high-level overview of where the site currently stands in regards to traffic, keywords and rankings, content types…

