Driving 100+ leads through content promotion and repurposing

Seema Nayak
Strategic Content Marketing
4 min readApr 12, 2018

A day in the life of a content marketer is really busy. There are ideas to research, blogs to write, content to promote and numbers to track.

While publishing new blog posts month on month might get you steady traffic, consistent growth without scaling resources is often achieved when you utilise your content to its true potential.

Content repurposing provides a great way to make the most of your existing content and get more eyeballs with minimal effort.

The hard part is done. You’ve created a great piece of content. Now comes the fun part of figuring out the creative ways in which you can use that content. The best way to do this is to experiment with other platforms where your target audience might be hanging out.

How to go about repurposing

At a SaaS startup I previously worked with, I was responsible for creating infographics in the mobile space.

Infographics are a popular format to gain backlinks and social shares. But I also found them a good medium to repurpose the visual content into other formats. While a lot of marketers do this process the other way around, i.e. create an infographic out of a blog post that worked well, I found this process much more efficient.

Here’s an example of how I created a quick infographic on
the ‘Rise of Social Media in E-commerce’ and then repurposed it into other formats:

  1. Publish on the company blog

To start with, I published the Infographic on the company blog and made sure it’s indexed before submitting the repurposed content on other channels. This is important to ensure that your website gets the SEO benefit. Even more so when it is a blog post that you are repurposing.

2. Convert into a slide deck

Next, I converted the infographic into a slide deck. This process is really easy if you begin with repurposing in mind. The overall process of slicing and dicing the infographic and uploading it on channels like SlideShare and AuthorStream took no more than a couple of hours. The deck created from this infographic has accumulated 3000+ views.

3. Convert it into a video

If you have an in-house graphic designer, you can get the same infographic content and visuals animated into a video. This one is tricky, as it does take longer than the other means of repurposing, but it’s definitely worth doing if you have time to spare.

4. Guest post on other websites

Since this content was about social media, I chose to submit the infographic with a slightly different introduction on Social Media Today, a popular website with a domain authority of 84. Publishing here helped get the post syndicated in several other websites and also got a ton of social shares.

5. Repurpose it in other blog posts
Around the same time, I wrote another blog related to social media. The tips section mentioned in the infographic was repurposed to add a visual element to it.

Together, this single piece of content along with the 4 repurposed versions managed to generate 2000+ views, 100+ leads and 75+ backlinks within the first one month.

These are just some of the ways you can repurpose a piece of content. You can get as creative as you like and try a dozen other ways to make the most of high-performing content.

Content repurposing is definitely one of the most fun part of my job. Not only does it provide a way to reach new audiences who might not have heard of you, but it also helps you with a significant increase in organic traffic to your blog.

Though widely recommended by marketing influencers, a lot of marketers out there have still not added this highly useful tactic to their content marketing arsenal. Give it a go and the results will speak for itself.

