The Science of Why Advertisers Use Testimonials
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The Science of Why Advertisers Use Testimonials

Ron Sela
Strategic Content Marketing
5 min readMar 26, 2022


Testimonials can be some of the most effective tools at an advertiser’s disposal when it comes to advertising.

But what is it about testimonials that makes them so powerful? And why are they so often used in advertising?

One of the critical reasons testimonials are so effective is that they are a form of social proof. Social proof is a psychological phenomenon when people conform to others to feel like they fit in or belong.

In other words, we are more likely to do something if we see that other people are doing it too.

Testimonials are effective because they exploit this natural human tendency.

When we see somebody else talking about how great a product is, we want to try it ourselves. After all, if all these people use this product and love it, it must be good, right?

Not only that, but testimonials also help to build trust.

They provide a first-hand account of somebody else’s experience with a product or service, which can help to put our minds at ease about trying it out for ourselves.

In this blog post, we will take a look at the science behind why testimonials work and explore some of the reasons why they are so commonly used in advertising.

What are testimonials, and why are they used in advertising?

Advertisers have long used testimonials from satisfied customers to promote their products. And there’s a good reason for this: research has shown that testimonials are an effective way to build trust and credibility with potential buyers.

Testimonials work because they serve as social proof, proving that others have had success with the product. They also help build confidence by assuring potential buyers that others like them have had success with the product.

In other words, if it worked for them, it can work for you too.

So next time you see a testimonial in an ad, remember that there’s a reason why it’s there — it just might be the thing that convinces you to buy the product.

The science behind why testimonials work

It’s no secret that advertisers use testimonials to sell products. But why do testimonials work? The science behind why testimonials work is quite interesting.

Here’s a quick overview:

Testimonials work because they create social proof. Social proof is the idea that we tend to do what other people do. So, if we see that other people are using a product and they’re happy with it, we’re more likely to want to use it.

Testimonials are one way that advertisers create social proof.

Another reason testimonials work is because they tap into our need for approval.

We all want to be liked and accepted, and seeing someone else using a product can make us feel like we’re part of the group. This is especially true if the person giving the testimonial is someone we admire or look up to.

The different ways that testimonials can be effective

When used effectively, testimonials can be a powerful marketing tool. They provide first-hand accounts of how a product or service has helped real people, which can help to build trust and confidence in potential customers.

There are several different ways that advertisers can use testimonials to their advantage.

For example, they can focus on specific benefits or results that a customer has achieved or tell a personal story that highlights the positive impact the product or service has had on their lives.

In addition, testimonials can be used to address common objections or concerns that potential customers may have.

By hearing how others have overcome these same challenges, they may be more likely to give the product or service a try.

Ultimately, testimonials are most effective when they are used to connect with potential customers on an emotional level.

How to use testimonials in your advertising

As all experienced advertisers know, a testimonial can be a powerful tool. By featuring a satisfied customer in your ad, you can create a sense of trust and credibility.

Furthermore, a testimonial can help to amplify your message by providing social proof.

When potential customers see that others have had success with your product or service, they are more likely to try it themselves.

However, it is essential to use testimonials wisely.

To be effective, testimonials should be relevant to your target audience and should highlight the benefits of your product or service. When appropriately used, testimonials can be a potent marketing tool.

The importance of trust in advertising

Trust is essential when it comes to advertising. After all, if consumers don’t trust the advertiser, they’re not likely to believe the claims being made about the product.

By featuring a satisfied customer in their ad, advertisers hope to create a sense of trust and credibility.

In other words, they’re trying to show that their product is trustworthy and worth your hard-earned money.

Testimonials are one way to build trust, but they’re not the only way.

Advertisers can also use endorsements from experts or celebrities to focus on building a solid brand.

Ultimately, it is up to the advertiser to decide what approach will work best for their product or service.

The power of social proof

Advertisers have long understood the power of social proof, which is the idea that we are more likely to do something if we see other people doing it.

This concept is closely related to our natural desire to fit in and be accepted by others.

When we see someone else using a product or service and having a good experience, we are more likely to want to try it ourselves.

Testimonials are a way for advertisers to tap into this psychological phenomenon and create an artificial sense of social proof.

By featuring testimonials from satisfied customers, advertisers can make their products seem more appealing and persuade potential customers to give them a try.

The emotional connection that testimonials create

If you’ve ever watched an infomercial, you’ve probably seen testimonials from satisfied customers. While these may seem like simple endorsements, there’s a lot of science behind advertisers’ use.

One of the most important reasons is that testimonials create an emotional connection with the viewer.

When we see someone happy with a product, it creates a positive association in our minds.

This is known as the “bandwagon effect” and it’s a powerful way to influence people’s behavior. In addition, testimonials also increase the perceived value of a product.

We are more likely to believe that a product is worth its price if we see that other people are happy with it. Testimonials are a simple but effective way to create an emotional connection with potential customers.


Testimonials are a commonly used marketing tool for a good reason. They effectively create trust, social proof, and emotional connections with potential customers.

When appropriately used, testimonials can be a powerful way to persuade people to try your product or service.



Ron Sela
Strategic Content Marketing

Growth Marketing Consultant ✍️ Editor, Strategic Content Marketing (Medium Publication) 🚀 Blogger at