Why It’s Important to Include Instagram Stories in your Content Strategy

Major 🔑🔑🔑 alert!

Keena Renèe
Strategic Content Marketing
2 min readJun 23, 2017


CNBC recently reported that Instagram Stories has surpassed Snapchat and now has 250 million daily active users to Snapchats 166 million daily users (as of June). Let’s just keep it all the way 100, Instagram Stories is a much better version of Snapchat. It hasn’t even been a full year and Instagram Stories is already crushing their number one competitor in the market of disappearing content. That’s a pretty impressive growth for any social media feature. Now that we know where Stories land on the social media platform leaderboard…here are some reasons why you should be incorporating it into your content strategy immediately

Increases visibility

This reason alone is why you should be using stories if you aren’t already. Whenever you publish a story on your Instagram, your profile appears at the top of the screen and with Instagram’s algorithm, it automatically shows stories that users are mostly likely to engage with first, putting your profile first on the list IF you are using it effectively. You should definitely be posting to your stories on a regular basis to stay current in feeds and to increase your chances on being seen.

Tip: Instagram allows you to search stories by hashtag and location so be sure to tag your stories to amplify your reach even more!

Diverse content

Another great thing about Stories that I think is super dope is that you can get really creative and post different kinds of content. Stories allows you to enhance your content with colors, stickers, text, and filters. From photos, to short video clips, and boomerangs, you can literally create all kinds of content AND repurpose it all for a later time.

It’s Marketing…in real-time

The voyeuristic nature of social media can be of some benefit when it comes to Instagram stories. Since stories disappear after 24 hours, brands and businesses can use that to your advantage when promoting a product or an event. And with Stories, you don’t have worry about posting too much content and clogging user’s feeds…it’s truly a win/win.

Ask any social media manager and they will tell you that Instagram stories is the wave. The first reason I named alone should convince to start posting to your story on a regular basis. If you still need some convincing or if you just want to see how stories in action, you can always follow me on Instagram and check out how I put my story feed to use!

