How to get your next your project, business or product sponsored and promoted by BIG companies-even if no one knows you

Jeffrey Manu
Strategic Startup Founder
2 min readJun 6, 2018

I have been engaged in a lot of for-profit and non-profit ventures over the years.

Initially, I self-funded most of them but I later found out that there are individuals and even huge businesses that are willing to help sponsor or promote entrepreneurs.

I have set up child-feeding projects (over 350 children at the last event), education scholarships for the underprivileged and even purely for-profit business seminars, workshops, and books.

What you want your perfect partner or sponsor to do is to:

  • Pay you or invite you to speak at their events or at someone else’s.
  • Fund your event, book tour, business growth, or marketing expenses
  • Email their massive databases about you, your brand and your business
  • Feature you on their podcasts blogs, newsletters=, magazines or websites (most of which probably get tons of traffic)
  • Issue press releases for you and your business
  • Teach you how to make more of an impact in your community
  • Secure media appearances for you (many people who got on TV used this approach)
  • Buy massive quantities of your products or services
  • Refer you to their friends, investors and even give you testimonials.
  • Hire you as a consultant, coach or service provider (you become their preferred vendor)
  • Use your products or services in their promotions or as upsells in their sales funnel.
  • Spend tens of thousands of dollars promoting you.

How do you do this?

The key is to find out which organizations or individuals are already interested in what you are planning to do.

It’s not just about what you can give them right now.

It’s about what you can give them if you receive the sponsorship you are asking for.

That mindset is going to be your secret weapon.

The Process

Step 1. Identify businesses, individuals, institutions, corporations, and people who would like access to your audience or customer base.

Step 2. Pitch them via a brief email or call

Step 3. Send a short one-page summary highlighting the benefits that you bring.

Step 4. Get a live one on one meeting with a decision maker.

Step 5. Create the proposal

Step 6. Present a proposal with the following:

  • Executive summary (1–2 pages max)
  • Project Overview
  • Your Profile
  • Promotion Plan
  • Sponsor or Partner Benefits
  • Sponsor or Partner Requests(what they said they wanted when you spoke with them).


It’s not just about what you can give them right now.

It’s about what you can give them if you receive the sponsorship you are asking for.

Get more insights here.



Jeffrey Manu
Strategic Startup Founder

Believer. Entrepreneur. Teacher of dominion and business success