Quotes on Capitol Riot Anniversary

2021 Capitol Attack

We will make sure the will of the people is heard.

… Biden.

The violent insurrection of January 6 was a day that will live forever in infamy, a permanent stain in the story of the American democracy and the final, bitter, unforgiveable act of the worst president in modern times.

… Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

I really truly feel that this is the year that we either continue to maintain our democracy or that we lost. Congress has to act.

… Veronica Escober, Representative for Texas’s 16th Congressional District.

Photo by Brendan Beale on Unsplash

How a nation mourns and remembers has long been fundamental



Rubaiyat Rahman
Strategic Lenses — International Law & International Relations

A South Asian Academic, Book Reviewer, Maritime & International Affairs Analyst. Rubaiyat loves to wade across the universe of Reading and Writing.