Daniel Imbellino
6 min readMar 26, 2017


From Google’s Ad Crisis, To Failed Network Redesigns, Why Google Just Doesn’t Get it!

Just one of the many brands that supports Google and gets no support from Google in return.

For starters, I’ve long been a staunch supporter of Google, and spent years building brands on the Google+ platform, in essence helping them to grow their social network pro bono (while they profited heavily off my work). When Facebook and others took stabs, I and the media organization I built on their platform stood by their side and fought off critics. But I’m sorry to say, I’m tired of taking stray bullets for a company who puts profits over people, doesn’t support those who support them, and fails to listen unless its there executives million dollar Ferrari that’s on the line.

It all comes down to greed, ignorance, and failed leadership.

Milking The Money Machine:

As one example, why is it that it took for Google to lose tens of billions of dollars in ad revenue and market value before their executives were willing to acknowledge there was a problem with extremism in the form of hate speech on their video sharing platform YouTube? Despite the fact they were warned repeatedly by us and others a long time ago that they had a serious problem with harassment on their hands.

The answer is very simple, Google doesn’t care unless its their money machine that’s at stake.

Since their recent ad fiasco began and marketing agencies and major corporations began canning Google, all of a sudden Google cares about its advertisers, but nowhere do they state they give a damn about the people they serve or those who support them; and if they did I’ve definitely never seen it. Over the course of the last few years, both I and those who help to operate my media have watched in total disbelief as Google stood by while trolls turned the YouTube platform into a giant hate machine.

From channels created solely for the purpose of harassing people, to extremists profiting off their virulent hatred for humanity, and society’s worst sociopaths barfing their mentally deranged ideologies all over hard working content creators videos, the fact is, Google executives were too busy counting cash, drinking fine wines, and basking in the sun to care.

As I mentioned in another recent article, Google’s reporting system on YouTube is completely broken, it does not work, and Google has failed at every level imaginable to take action on reports of abuse and harassment.

When it came to the severity of Googles situation regarding advertisers and the fact their stock was dropping by the tens of billions almost overnight, Brian Wieser of Pivotal Research said it best, “Google does not appear to understand the gravity of the situation.” — Bloomberg

Oh no Brian, they definitely do, they just don’t care is the problem. The fact is, Google’s executives have so much money they could swim in it from one end of the Atlantic to the other and never fully wade through it all. If Google fails, its executives still walk away with more money than they could ever spend in a thousand lifetimes. Google’s executives are simply riding the money train till its wheels fall off, the same way Enron’s did years ago.

And what about the people who supported Google, who got shit in return, not even so much as a simple thank you, despite thousands of hours of service to help them grow their brands? Who were the ones who kept your social platform clean of hundreds of thousands of spammers, created content to engage your users, and grew the communities you so proudly tout to the public? It definitely wasn’t Google.

Meanwhile Google has consistently profited off the communities I own and operate, as users dumped a million videos loaded with Google’s ads in my communities, in which we get absolutely jack. Google isn’t the one who spent thousands of hours building my communities, I did, and so did the people who helped work so hard to manage them, yet Google gets all the profits? Screw that! I have one community that is literally nothing but thousands upon thousands of YouTube videos, in which the majority are monetized, again we get nothing.

Google says “Don’t Be Evil”:

Despite all the service I and others have given to manage massive communities on Google+ and contribute endlessly to the platform, we’ve never once received so much as a thank you, and Google has never allowed those who support their platforms the most to have any say in any decision making whatsoever. I have moderators practically starving to death, living in section 8 housing, all the while they scrub Google’s social toilets, cleaning their social platform of bad actors, while Google rakes in record profits year after year. Yet, Google touts these bullshit lines such as Don’t Be Evil, please.

The real cash flow we provided for Google actually came from the fact we not only brought people onto Google’s social platforms, but we kept them there, right where Google wanted them.

Sorry Google, but ignorance is not a virtue:

As if Google didn’t learn anything from the first failed redesign of their social network Google+, they decided to do a rinse and repeat, and screw it all up 10X worse than they did the first time. The second time around the redesign was so bad that thousands of Google Plus members streamed into Google’s help community announcing they were leaving after Google forced them to the new user interface they clearly stated they did not want.

Google may know their technology well, but they seriously need a lesson on social psychology, because they haven’t a clue as to the wants and needs of the people they serve.

Despite millions of people telling them what they wanted Google+ to be when it grew up, Google made sure to rip everything to shreds and tell the world, this is what we decided, this is the way it is, because we’re Scroogle, we’re god, and we do what we want.

As for the problems Google is facing now, it all comes down to greed and failed leadership on every level imaginable. Google executives knew YouTube was full of bad actors who were hell bent on spreading their hatred, and they knew the plans they implemented on Google+ were widely unpopular.


In the end, I’ve reached the realization that Google not only rules the web with an iron fist, but we’re all just puppets for Google’s crooked money machine. Sorry to tell you Google, but the worlds biggest advertising firms and corporations aren’t the only ones turning against you now, so are we! Trust is a 2 way street, and Google has now lost the trust of those who supported them the most.

As for Google’s ad fiasco, I’m honestly grateful advertisers and major businesses laid down the law for Google, and are sending them the message that profits aren’t their number one concerns, but rather the people they serve and their ethical and moral standards are more valuable than any amount of money. It’s honestly companies like Google and its greedy executives that make this world a miserable place.

Google executives have nothing but contempt for humanity, and its investors should seriously clean house and find people with some form of ethical standards to run this now massive tech giant. Whatever happened to “Don’t Be Evil?” Practice what you preach!

Written and published by Daniel Imbellino — Co-Founder of Strategic Social Networking, pctechauthority.com. Many thanks for reading. Be sure to check out Strategic Social Networking Community on Google+ to connect with tens of thousands of IT professionals and learn effective strategies to grow your social presence online:



Daniel Imbellino

Information Technology Specialist — Co-Founder of Strategic Social Networking and www.pctechauthority.com