The Vision Thing

A vision statement does more than you would ever think

Charles Leach
Strategic Things
3 min readAug 31, 2023


“The Vision Thing” emphasises the critical role that a clear and compelling vision plays in guiding a business towards success. This vision serves as a North Star, a beacon that helps a company navigate through the ever-changing and often unpredictable business landscape. It acts as a map that outlines the destination and charts the course of action, even in uncharted territories.

Guiding Direction: A well-defined vision serves as a strategic framework that outlines the ultimate purpose and direction of a business. It encapsulates the long-term goals, aspirations, and values of the organisation. This direction provides a common understanding for the entire team, aligning their efforts towards a shared goal.

Inspiration and Motivation: A compelling vision goes beyond just outlining goals; it ignites passion and motivation within the team. When team members can visualise the impact and success they’re working towards, they are more likely to put in their best efforts and persevere through challenges.

Decision-Making: In a rapidly changing business environment, decisions need to be made quickly and effectively. A well-defined vision serves as a decision-making compass, helping leaders and teams evaluate choices based on whether they align with the long-term vision of the company.

Risk-Taking: When the vision is bold and inspiring, it encourages teams to venture into uncharted territories and explore innovative ideas, knowing that the potential rewards are aligned with the larger purpose.

Culture and Identity: The vision contributes to shaping the organisational culture and identity. It becomes part of the company’s DNA and influences how employees and stakeholders perceive the business. A strong vision can attract like-minded individuals who resonate with the goals and values, fostering a sense of community.

Adaptability: While the vision provides a stable point of reference, it doesn’t mean the journey will be rigid. Businesses need to adapt to changing circumstances, and the vision can serve as a guiding principle in making strategic adjustments without losing sight of the ultimate goal.

Measuring Progress: The vision serves as a yardstick to measure the company’s progress over time. It helps leaders evaluate whether the company is moving closer to its intended destination or if adjustments are needed to realign the course.

Communication: A clear vision simplifies and amplifies communication both internally and externally. It succinctly conveys the essence of the business, making it easier for stakeholders, customers, and partners to understand what the company stands for and where it’s headed.

Legacy and Impact: A well-executed vision can lead to lasting impact, shaping industries, societies, and economies. Businesses that aim for greatness through their vision can leave behind a legacy that extends beyond financial success.

In essence, “The Vision Thing” underscores the transformative power of a compelling vision. It’s more than just a lofty statement; it’s a strategic tool that influences decision-making, shapes culture, motivates teams, and sets the stage for a business’s journey towards achieving greatness.

