Top Stories published by Strategies of the Artificial in May of 2015

Prediction, Science, and 538

By now, the failure of FiveThirtyEight to accurately predict the British elections has been widely dissected. British political scientist and historian Patrick Porter has been tweeting up a storm about it, noting FiveThirtyEight headman Nate Silver and others tried to impose his…

Behavioral Economics and Humanity’s “Crooked Timber”

Economic iconoclast Bill Easterly says this about a new article on behavioral economics and its potential role in public policy.

Behavioral econ @R_Thaler says we are too dumb to fix our own mistakes but smart…

Technological Criticism as Politics By Other Means

An interesting, if revealing story about an IT mishap:

With a few taps on a computer keyboard, a student’s entire school history from kindergarten to high school graduation was supposed to show up on the screen. That…

Cyborg Science

I just started reading this book. Already hooked.

Because Jevons was grappling with issues of logic, simulation, and calculation, it is all too easy to paint him in retrospect as a budding cyborg; but now we can begin to entertain the notion that he was no such creature. The…

Strategies of the Artificial
Strategies of the Artificial is a blog on computer simulation, artificial agents, and technology. A previous incarnation of this blog lived at Header is a screenshot of an agent-based simulation in NetLogo.
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