Computational Approaches to Strategy Supplement: A Map of My Personal Research Program

Adam Elkus
Strategies of the Artificial
2 min readNov 13, 2015

I wrote a supplement to the stable outline. It is not that much shorter than the main outline, but it more informative and useful in regards to a practical aspect. I wrote the stable outline for a particular reason:

I think, in terms of general formulation and broad questions outlined, this can be what I have always wanted it to be: a kind of research handbook that no one ever wrote for me. Lacking a kind of SAGE, Elsevier, or Routledge Computational Research Methods in Strategy Research Guide to help guide my work, I decided to effectively write one for myself (it’s about roughly as long as a SAGE Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences pamphlet would be, if you printed it in that size paper).

This supplement is essentially a very rough precis of how the research handbook relates to specific questions and topics I want to research. You can read it here. Some observations: not happy with the language and vagueness, as usual, but this is sufficiently integrative that it works just fine for serving as an explanation for how the Computational Approaches to Strategy ideas and topics could be operationalized concerning topics that I care about. It also uses a knowledge representation/knowledge management approach, which I am coming to see will likely guide a good deal of my future work.

I put “map” and “personal” here for a reason, as unlike the other document, I am not making a claim that the topics I have selected here are necessarily representative of even an imperfect survey of the possible applications of computational methods. These are just the things that I care about in my own idiosyncratic way, but if I’m successful at researching them perhaps they will also be things others care about.



Adam Elkus
Strategies of the Artificial

PhD student in Computational Social Science. Fellow at New America Foundation (all content my own). Strategy, simulation, agents. Aspiring cyborg scientist.