4 Tips For The Strategio Simulator

Alex Norris
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2022

Over the past two months, I have had the pleasure of navigating my way through Strategio’s Enterprise Simulator. Over the course of the training, we gained some experience with a plethora of tools such as AWS, Kubernetes, Selenium, etc. Of course with the breadth of knowledge with the format of a remote workplace, there are a few obstacles that may come your way. These are some lessons I learned that may help future technologists succeed!

1. Take your time with the material

It may be tempting to rush your way through the tutorials and jump straight to the hands-on portions, but the point in the Simulator is to get a strong working knowledge of the material. To be successful with a client, you want to be able to speak on what services you can implement and why. Tutorial rushing will not give that depth of understanding.

2. Make friends with your fellow technologists

Having conversations and joking around with your fellow technologists is key to finding enjoyment and community at Strategio. Especially with the remote format spreading through the industry, it helps to use this opportunity to learn how to build rapport over the internet. Another useful skill in networking!

3. Don’t be afraid to read the same lesson twice or more

To get down to it, it can be a LOT of material to cover and can often be super overwhelming. That’s okay, just take it slow and don’t burn yourself out. If you feel a lot of it didn’t stick. Take a break and go back after. This will help with cementing the material.

4. Develop your growth mindset

Do your best to always look forward as well. What more can you learn about the topics? How can you expand upon a concept to make it better? Always stay in the mindset to be continuously learning!


In conclusion, perseverance will get you through this. Believe in your ability to learn and that you got chosen to be there. That means the team believes in your ability to be successful and do not forget that. Learn hard, reach out if you need help, take it slow, and, most importantly, have fun!

